Chapter 31

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The man was frustrated

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The man was frustrated. How did they break my spell? I underestimated them. He thought and then started laughing. His secretary looked at him scared. The man appeared to be like a total psychopath right now. When he was done laughing he looked at his secretary.

"I can't let them be happy now. Can I?" he shook his head answering his own question. "Not after they ruined another plan of mine. Jo give me my phone. I have a surprise for that boy. Let's give him some heartbreak. What do you say?" he said smirking.

Mental pain and heartbreak was something that can ruin a person completely. And this was what he would do to his enemy. He would destroy that boy completely from inside so that he is left with no will to fight at the end.

Jungkook was helping Taehyung down the stairs

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Jungkook was helping Taehyung down the stairs. "Ggukie. I don't like this at all. I feel so week. It's difficult to even stand for long." Taehyung said whining. "Don't worry. It's just a bad effect of the dark spell used on you. You'll be fine in a few days." Jungkook said and quickly hoisted him up in his arms.

"That's enough walking for the time being. I'll now take the privilege to escort you your highness." he said grinning and Taehyung slapped his chest blushing hard. He took him to the garden where the family was having a mini picnic.

Jungkook gently made Taehyung sit on the picnic mat taking a seat beside him. The family enjoyed the afternoon talking and laughing. "This photo is from when kook dressed up as a bunny for the fancy dress competition at school. He didn't remove that costume for two days straight and the third day when I forcefully removed it he threw a big tantrum." Jiha said making everyone laugh while Jungkook had turned red as a tomato feeling embarrassed.

Suddenly they heard the sound of a car outside. "It must be Dad." Jungkook said and got up to greet his father. To his surprise a few men dressed in black entered through the main gate. Soon a man and a lady entered too surprising everyone.

"Mom? Dad?" Taehyung said surprised. He got up from his seat. He walked towards Jungkook and stood beside him eyeing his parents who had come unannounced and unexpected there.
"Don't think that we are here to apologise or take you back." Mr. Kim said coldly. "We came here to tell you that we have sold you to Mr. Choi and he'll take you from here on the fifteenth of this month. That means in ten days. So be ready to go to your master."

Taehyung felt a thud in his heart hearing those words. Sold? They sold me? He thought and looked at his mother. "Mom? You're oka...okay with it?" he said with the little hope he had in his heart. His mother didn't even look at him giving him the answer he didn't want to hear.

Taehyung felt tears coming down his eyes. "Congratulations Mrs. Kim. You must have had a good deal." he said. Hearing this his mother looked at him with teary eyes but said nothing. Taehyung took a few more steps and stood right infront of his mother. "I was still waiting for you mom. I lo....loved you but I guess you never did. The... there was always this hope in me that I was your priority and you were just doing all these things to me because you believed that they were best for me. But..... but you proved it today. YOU PROVED THAT MONEY IS ALWAYS MORE DEAR TO YOU. I.... I knew it but I denied it. I was such a f.. fool."

Taehyung's weak body swayed from side to side as all the energy he had, left his body with this outburst. His knees buckled but Jungkook caught him before he could touch the ground. Finding himself in Jungkook's warm arms Taehyung broke down. He cried his heart out sniffing and hiccuping.

"Tae please. Don't cry. These people don't deserve your precious tears." Jungkook said eyeing the parents with hatred. He quickly lifted the crying boy in his arms and went inside the house not wanting them to see Taehyung in his weak state. Jimin and Jin followed them while the others stood there.

Once the boys had gone Jiha came forward. "Leave my house right now and don't dare to come back again." she said each word clearly showing her hatred for the two. Mr. Kim scoffed at that and turned around to walk away. Mrs. Kim followed without uttering a word.

After a few hours

"Sir that boy broke down completely. He looked so lost and miserable." Secretary Jo informed his master remembering the scene he had witnessed a few hours ago. He was one of the men who had accompanied the Kims on his Master's orders.

Mr. Choi smirked hearing that. He had been successful in breaking his enemy. He wanted them to suffer and that's what they were experiencing right now. Heartbreak and betrayal. He looked at his secretary and smiled sinisterly.

"This is more fun than killing people."

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