Chapter 37

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The beeping of the machine is what he heard when he woke up

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The beeping of the machine is what he heard when he woke up. His vision was still blurry but after blinking his eyes a few times he saw his surroundings clearly. On looking around he realised that he was in a hospital room. Several machines were attached to his body while an oxygen mask covered half of his face.

He slowly turned his head towards his left and saw the ravenette looking at him with blood shot eyes. Taehyung wanted to talk to him but before he could do anything Jungkook got up and went outside the room.

A few minutes later doctors and nurses came rushing in and started checking him up. Once they had made sure that everything was alright and that he was out of danger half of the machines were detached from his body. He sighed in relief when the doctors and nurses went out of his room and his family entered instead. All of them were smiling and looking at him with glassy eyes. "I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have done that. I troubled you all a lot. Didn't I?" Taehyung said weakly. His voice breaking in between due to his severe injury.

Hearing him half of them burst out crying and shook their heads. "No! Don't be. We are so happy that you are alright. Don't do something like this next time." Jiha said and hugged him gently. She caressed his hair and kissed him on his forehead. "M..Mom." Taehyung cried along with the lady. He was so scared that day. Scared to never meet these beautiful people again but now he was so thankful to God for giving him another chance at life.

Few hours later and everyone was busy telling him about so many things that had happened recently. Jiha was feeding him porridge but his attention was somewhere else. Jungkook had not met or spoken to him even once. He was dying to hear the ravenette's voice but the said boy just stood there staring outside the huge window. "Tae. Now we'll go. You have to rest. Hmm." Jiha said bringing him out of his thoughts. All of them bid him farewell and then left the place.

Jungkook was about to leave too but stopped when he heard the weak voice of the boy he loved so much. "Ggukie?" Taehyung said unsure of what reaction he would get. Jungkook turned towards him and looked at him with a cold expression. "Why aren't you talking to me? Did I do something wrong?" Taehyung asked and it was enough for Jungkook's emotion to erupt out.

"Wrong? Why would you do something wrong? I'm the one who trusted the wrong person." Jungkook said glaring at Taehyung. "No Ggukie. You're getting it wr..." Taehyung was about to say more but was cut off by a furious Jungkook. "I got it all wrong. I know. You didn't even think about me before stabbing yourself but I got it all wrong. You were bleeding in my arms and I got it all wrong. Your heart f*cking stopped beating but I just got it all wrong. That's what you mean right?" Jungkook said crying. Taehyung just shook his head and tears streamed down his face. He didn't want to cause Jungkook so much pain. He never intended to do so.

"That's enough for today. You should rest now and don't cry. You just woke up after a week so try to take it easy." Jungkook said and quickly ran out of the room leaving behind a crying Taehyung all alone.

Days went by but the ravenette did not come to meet Taehyung even once after that confrontation. A week later he was discharged with a big list of precautions and a huge bag of medicines. He was also bound to a wheelchair till the wound near his heart healed properly.

After about an hour of driving they finally reached their home. Taehyung smiled looking at the vintage house infront of him. My home. He thought. Jeahwan slowly helped him come out of the car and then made him sit on his wheelchair. "Jiha take him inside. I'll get the luggage out of the car." he heard the man say and soon he was being wheeled towards the house.

He had decided to talk things out with Jungkook once the other had calmed down. He was busy thinking about all these things and didn't even realise that he was already inside the living room. Jiha tapped his shoulder startling him but then suddenly his eyes landed on the beautifully decorated room. There were flower garlands around with candles lighting up the entire area. The floor was covered with rose petals but it was not what had rendered him speechless. It was the man standing infront of him.

Jungkook stood just a few steps away from him dressed in a formal attire. The ravenette slowly walked towards him and then crouched down right next to where he was. "Taehyung. You are the most important person in my life. I can't live without you even for a second. No words can justify my love for you, love. You're the only one for me. My only one. So will you give me the privilege of being called your husband?" Jungkook confessed and then took out a ring from his pocket. "Will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive?"

Taehyung nodded with tears of happiness streaming down his face. "Y..Yes. I'll marry you." he said and saw how Jungkook's face lit up before he slid the ring on Taehyung's finger. Jungkook smiled looking at his lover and caressed his hair. "Idiot." he said shaking his head and then pulled Taehyung in for a kiss.

It was the most beautiful kiss they ever had. A kiss filled with longing, love and promises. They didn't care about anything because when they had each other nothing else mattered. They pulled away and connected their foreheads panting. Their hands got entangled with each other's and they both smiled.

A smile that was just the beginning of their happy future together.

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