Chapter 25

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The two boys walked back home hand in hand from their date

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The two boys walked back home hand in hand from their date. "There's no one here." Taehyung said looking around the dark living room. "Yah. I forgot to tell you. They all have gone out for drinks and dinner because we didn't take them with us to the fare." Jungkook said earning a giggle from the other. They both were all alone in the house now.

"Aaam.....Tae....Iffff.. You don't mind. Would you like to come to my room." Jungkook said rubbing his nape in nervousness. Taehyung looked at him with his big questioning eyes. "No. Don't get me wrong. You've never seen my room. So I thought that it wou.....would be a nice thing. You should not feel obligated. It's just.......never mind." Jungkook started blabbering after seeing Taehyung's face.

Taehyung on the other hand was trying his very best to not burst out laughing. Who knew this man with tattoos and piercings can be this cute when nervous. He thought to himself. When Jungkook stopped his blabbering Taehyung took a deep breath and said. "Gguk. I would love to see your room."

Hearing these words Jungkook beamed and quickly pulled the other upstairs towards his room. Taehyung gasped on entering the beautiful place. The dark aesthetics with the light walls fit each perfectly. The big window was letting the moonlight come in, lighting up the room beautifully. It matched Jungkook perfectly. Mysterious and calming at the same time.

"It's so beautiful." Taehyung said walking towards the window with Jungkook following behind. He looked at the starry sky and the full moon. The vibes of the moment were so comforting that he sighed out in relief. Soon he felt hands around his waist and a head on his shoulder. He smiled realising that Jungkook was back hugging him. "Tae. I've decided to be brave. I've decided to embrace you and your love with my all. I'm not going to hesitate anymore. I'll show everyone that you are mine and that you are the only one I want. My only one." Jungkook said trying to pour in all the feelings he had into the words.

Hearing this Taehyung quickly turned around and captured his lips in a passionate kiss. Jungkook was surprised but then he melted at the gesture holding the other close. It was only when he felt the wetness on his face that he pulled away and saw tears running down Taehyung's cheeks.

"Tae! What happened?" he asked with worry wiping the boy's tears. "I'm just so happy right now." Taehyung whispered. Jungkook smiled hearing this and caressed Taehyung's head. He pulled the other close taking in his lavender scent. Without wasting another second he captured the boy's lips in a passionate kiss. They moved towards the bed while kissing and when they pulled away Taehyung whispered "Let's make love tonight Gguk."

Jungkook gulped hearing him and nodded. Soon their clothes were lying on the floor. The two lovers made love that night. Claiming each other while getting immersed in the moment. Even though the ravenette had never said it himself but Taehyung could feel how much Jungkook loved him with the way he held him and touched him as if he was the most precious thing in the world.

They slept in each other's arms that night feeling contended and ecstatic. They wanted this night to last till eternity so that they could stay in this moment of love forever.

Jungkook woke up the next morning and smiled when he saw the beautiful sight infront of him

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Jungkook woke up the next morning and smiled when he saw the beautiful sight infront of him. Taehyung was sleeping with a pout on his face looking so squishy. Jungkook kissed him on his head and got up slowly trying not to disturb the sleeping boy.

He freshened up and went downstairs to make breakfast for themselves but got greeted with the smug smiles of his family members. "Oh! You're up. You should have slept more. You must be tired." Jiha said teasing him. Jungkook tried to ignore all the eyes on him and went towards the kitchen.

"I hope you used protection." Jin shouted making Jungkook a blushing mess. Everyone laughed looking at the shy boy who was trying his very best to look nonchalant about their teasing.

"Will you guys stop making fun of me?" Jungkook said whining when the others didn't stop laughing at him. "Hey! Hey! Don't make fun of my son. He is not liking it." Jaehwan said trying his very best to not laugh again. Jungkook came towards him and hugged him. "Dad you're the only one who understands me." Jungkook said pouting.

"We're really sorry kook. But now go back to your room. Your breakfast is in the kitchen. Take it and go." Jiha said and Jungkook quickly went into action not wanting to face all the teasing anymore.

The lady kept on looking at her son who quickly went upstairs with a smile on his face. She couldn't be more happy. Jungkook going back to his original self was something she wanted for so long. Now that it was happening she was over the moon. She couldn't help but think........

I hope you never lose this smile son.

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