Chapter 27

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Jungkook was sitting in his office when his phone rang

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Jungkook was sitting in his office when his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and smiled seeing the name 'Bestie'. He picked up the call and answered.

"Hello Dad."
"Kook! Please come here T......Taehyung, he...... "
Jungkook just kept listening to his father too stunned by his words. He did not even realise when his father hung up and when he finally came out of his trance he quickly got up and went outside.

The door was banged so loudly that everyone got startled. Their confusion just increased on seeing a panicked Jungkook coming out of his office. "Kook. What's wrong?" Jiha asked coming infront of him.

Jungkook looked at her with teary eyes and said "M.. Mom. Tae he..... he is in the hospital." Jiha gasped hearing him and when Jungkook ran out of the house everyone followed him worried for Taehyung's safety.

"Mr. Jeon there are no injuries on his body but still his vitals are unstable." the doctor informed the family that was now standing outside the room Taehyung was shifted to. "What do you mean by that?" Jungkook asked while trying his very best to not burst into tears.

"I've never seen such a case before. His body is completely fine from inside and outside. All the test results were clear but still his vitals especially breathing rate is uneven. I'm sorry to say but he has gone into a coma like state." the doctor sighed. "Mr. Jeon we don't know how to treat him because there is no actual problem with his body." he said and each word that came out of his mouth crushed Jungkook's heart little by little. "It's hard for me to say such things but since I know what your family business is, it might be something related to that. I can't tell." the doctor said.

Jungkook just nodded unable to say anything. When the doctor allowed them to meet Taehyung he quickly ran into the room only to feel a thud in his heart. There was the love of his life lying on the bed lifeless while a cannula was helping him breath. The beeping of the cardiograph was the only indication of the boy being alive. Jimin burst out crying on seeing Taehyung's condition and Yoongi embraced him trying his very best to not cry himself.

Jungkook went towards his sleeping lover and sat on the chair next to his bed. He gently took Taehyung's hand in his own and caressed his head. He wanted to ask him so many questions. He wanted to ask him the reason for his sudden condition but he kept quiet knowing fully well that all of it would he useless. He didn't even realise that he was crying until his mother wiped his tears and patted his head trying to soothe him. Jungkook just looked at her with teary eyes unable to say a word.

"Kook don't worry we'll find out what is wrong with him and then he'll be better in no time." his father said. Hearing these words Jungkook just nodded too busy observing the sleeping boy. Suddenly his eyes caught something.

"Call the nurse in charge of him." he said. Namjoon quickly went outside to do the needful. Soon he came back with the nurse in tow. "Can you give me the pendent he was wearing?" Jungkook asked.

"Sorry sir but there were no accessories on the patient. As long his clothes are concerned they are in the cabinet near the window." the nurse said bowing and left the room. Jungkook was surprised would be an understatement. He never removes that pendent normally. He thought to himself and suddenly the doctor's words struck him. His eyes widened and he turned towards the others. "Some spirit did this to him. I'm sure." he said in panic.

"Don't worry kook. If what you're saying is right then we have a solution. I know a shaman. He will help us out of this. He has helped me countless of times before too." Jaehwan said and Jungkook sighed in relief.

He turned back to Taehyung and smiled. You'll be fine love. You'll be fine in no time.

The old man was looking at the pendent in his hand when his secretary asked "Sir what are we going to do next?" He looked at him and smiled

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The old man was looking at the pendent in his hand when his secretary asked "Sir what are we going to do next?" He looked at him and smiled. "Jo let's rest for a day or two. I'm tired after working so hard."

"Sir what happened to that boy. If you don't mind." Jo asked. "I trapped him in the headspace. He wouldn't be able to come out until I do something." Choi said and then rested his head on his palms. "By the way Jo, when is the new moon?"

"In fifteen days Sir. The next new moon is in fifteen days." the secretary informed. Hearing this the old man smirked and said....

"Let's finish it once and for all this time."

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