Chapter 36

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"WHY DID YOU COME HERE? WHY?" Jungkook shouted as he looked at Taehyung who was standing right infront of them

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"WHY DID YOU COME HERE? WHY?" Jungkook shouted as he looked at Taehyung who was standing right infront of them. Taehyung just looked at him with his teary eyes. "I can't put you all in danger to keep myself safe Gguk. I can't." he said shaking his head.

"Bravo! Such a true love you both have. I'm impressed." Albus said mocking the two. Taehyung looked at the man right in the eyes but when he saw him walking towards him he took a few steps back. "Don't worry. I won't harm you for now. I need you alive and unharmed for the ritual." Albus said smirking. "Just half an hour and then you'll be free from all the complexities of your life." saying this he walked back to the couch and sat down looking at the petite boy. "If you were not a sacrifice then I would have surely kept you as my sl*t." he said eyeing Taehyung up and down.

"SHUT UP! YOU A**HOLE. I'LL KILL YOU IF YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT TOUCHING HIM." Jungkook shouted while trying to untie the ropes. Albus just laughed at the worked up boy.  Taehyung on the other hand looked at his lover with teary eyes. He then looked around and saw how bad everyone's condition was. Yoongi was lying on the floor unconscious next to a tied up Jimin who was busy crying. Namjoon and Hoseok looked battered up too and he knew that it was the result of trying to resist from being tied up. The old couple had tears streaming down their faces while they tried their very best to free themselves. Jungkook's condition looked even worse. One side of his face was completely covered with dried blood. Seeing the ravenette in this condition was nothing but a nightmare for him.

Taehyung gulped the lump stuck in his throat. It's all because of me and only I can end this. He thought and looked at Albus who was busy flying objects in the air. One thing that Taehyung realised was that he couldn't fight him all by himself because he didn't have any powers while the man infront of him visibly had them. "What are you thinking boy?" he heard the man's voice snapping him out if his thoughts. "Don't try anything funny. I'll know if you come near me and I'm not a fool to not know that you have those sticks with you." he said eyeing the boy.

Taehyung's eyes widened hearing him. His hands started shaking and he felt numb. What could he even possibly do now? His enemy knew everything about his plans while he knew nothing. Tears of helplessness fell from his eyes. Ten minutes and everything would be over. The monster infront of him would get everything he wanted. But then he suddenly remembered what the man had told him a few minutes ago and an idea struck his head. If I can't end him then I'll just end the cause itself. He thought.

Realising that it was the only possibility left he looked down at the floor and smiled sadly. No. He didn't want to do whatever he was going to do next but he couldn't help it. Maybe this was what his fate had for him. He looked at Jungkook and mouthed an 'I'm sorry' before taking out the Eret from his back pocket. He then looked at Albus and said "You'll never win." and with this he stabbed himself right in the middle of his chest.

He heard everyone around him shouting his name but he didn't look at anyone. He just didn't have the courage to face them now. Soon  he felt a hand around his neck and the next thing he knew was looking at the scary man right infront of him. "HOW DARE YOU? YOU RUINED EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING." Albus shouted holding the boys neck tighter. "Now see how I will kill all of them infront of you." saying this he released his hold on the boy's neck. But before he could even start walking he felt a pain in his chest. He looked down to see an Eret stabbed in his chest. "I will not let you harm them. Now you'll die you monster and even if you don't I'll not be around to furnish your evil goals." Taehyung said in a weak voice which was only audible to the man infront of him.

Albus took a few steps back trying to take out the Eret from his chest but the stick was stuck there. Soon he felt his body burning and he screamed in pain. Slowly he started turning into ash and a few seconds later there was no sign of that devil. Taehyung smiled looking at the now empty space infront of him. I've done it. I saved everyone. He thought and then fell on the ground.

He could hear so many voices around him but nothing was clear. He couldn't see anything properly but he wanted to see the man he loved once before he died. With his blurry vision he looked around before landing his sight right on the ravenette. He smiled at him one last time before he felt all his energy ebbing out of his body.

The last thing he remembers is seeing a hysterically crying Jungkook aggressively trying to free himself from the ropes before everything turned black.

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