Chapter 13

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Taehyung had always been a person who wore his heart on his sleeves

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Taehyung had always been a person who wore his heart on his sleeves. He was always expressive about his feelings and emotions. This was why he could never keep his emotions to himself whenever he confronted his father about anything. He would always end having a huge fight with him and then the only person who would comfort him was Jimin. Even after his grandmother's death only Jimin was there for him.

So, today when Jimin asked him about his feelings he just blurted them out because he knew that Jimin would never judge him. "Jimin I think I like that jerk." he said looking at his friend. Jimin just looked at him and said "I knew it."

"Then tell me what should I do you idiot. He is so cold towards me." Taehyung said pouting. Jimin just shook his head and said "He is cold towards everyone. So don't take it to your heart. If you really like him Tae then try to make him open up to you. Just take it slow ok."

Taehyung nodded his head understanding. He knew that Jungkook was somewhat closed off and that it would take some time to bring him around. But Taehyung also knew that Jungkook was worth the efforts he would put in. So, that night he slept with the thrill of his own new mission.

Meanwhile elsewhere

"They finally have found out about me." the man said smirking. He was standing in front of the old abandoned building where Jungkook had unbounded the spirits. He just looked at the building once before going back to his car.

"Let's go back." he told his driver. The car started driving away from the eerie area. The man sat back comfortably looking outside the window. He smirked and spoke to no one in particular. "It'll be nice to meet you again Jeon."

Time skip

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Time skip

It had been three months since Jimin and Taehyung had started living with the Jeons. Everyday they got closer to the family. Not just that but a certain boy was slowly succeeding in his mission of opening up the ravenette.

Taehyung had seen how much Jungkook had started caring for him. Whenever he would get tired after listening to a spirit for long Jungkook would take care of him without someone's help. Taehyung couldn't help but fall deeper for the ravenette. He didn't know that whether it was his imagination or not but whenever he looked into Jungkook's eyes he saw love in there. With every passing day his confidence kept on growing.

Jungkook too was no different. He never thought that he would feel something like this in his life but there he was standing with a wildly beating heart wherever he saw Taehyung. The boy was always lively. He would talk and make others laugh around him. Everyone had gotten fond of him so how could Jungkook not fall for him.

Today, he was sitting on the rooftop enjoying the beautiful sunset. He looked at his bandaged hand and smiled. He still remembers how worried and fussy Taehyung had been when he got injured a few days ago fighting an evil spirit. He was still thinking about this when someone covered his eyes from the back.

"Tae! I know it's you." he said faking a cold voice. "You are no fun." Taehyung said pouting. Jungkook shook his head and laughed. Taehyung smiled looking at him happy that he had been successful in making the the other smile.

"Jungkook I wanted to tell you something." Taehyung said smiling. "What is it?" Jungkook asked with curiosity. Taehyung inhaled and exhaled once. "I like you Jungkook. I have been having these feelings for long now." he said and looked up hopefully but he didn't get the reaction he thought he would.

Jungkook was just looking at him with an expressionless face. "Taehyung you are just a business friend for me. I don't have any feelings for you. So, please don't make me uncomfortable with your presence." Jungkook said. Taehyung looked at him with wide teary eyes.

Jungkook turned around to leave but stopped when he heard Taehyung's voice. "Why are you lying? Huh? Why? I can see it in your eyes." he said while tears were coming down his face. Jungkook didn't even turn to look at him and said "You are just wasting my time with these stupid confessions." and with that he left.

Taehyung just stood there looking at the other. He was crying. Am I that bad? Nobody wants me. He thought to himself. He fell on his knees and cried. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Jiha looking at him with a worried expression. He threw himself on her and cried in her arms. Jiha comforted him like a child. She had heard everything that happened between the two.

After some minutes Taehyung finally stopped crying. Jiha caressed his head and smiled at him sadly. "Jungkook likes you too Tae. I can tell because I'm his mother. He is just heartbroken." she said. Taehyung looked at her with his puppy eyes not understanding a thing.

"Do you want to know what happened to him?"

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