Chapter 20

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Taehyung was sleeping in his room after Jungkook made him eat something and take his medicines

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Taehyung was sleeping in his room after Jungkook made him eat something and take his medicines. After he was sure that the boy had slept Jungkook came out of the room and went to his mother.

He saw his mother cleaning up the kitchen. "Mom!  I'mdatingtaehyung." he said looking at her. She just looked at him amused. "What did you say kook? I'm old now. You have to be louder and slower when you speak." she said teasing the ravenette. "I'M DATING TAEHYUNG." Jungkook shouted and pursed his lips together realising his mistake.

Jiha just laughed at her son's antics and patted his back. "It was about time." she said. "By the way how is he? You took him to his room and we couldn't ask him." she asked. "He is fine. Just a little weak. I made him sleep after giving him his medicines. You can talk to him after he wakes up." Jungkook informed.

"You know what mom?" he said and his mother hummed in response. "He ate walnuts intentionally because he wanted his mother to know that he is allergic to them. That is how desperate he is for his mother's love and care. But nobody cares. His father did not even show a single line of concern on his head while his son was being taken on a stretcher with an oxygen mask on his face in front of him." he said sighing. "He doesn't deserve this mom. He doesn't."

"Then give him love Kook. Maybe you'll find yourself again in the process too." Jiha said looking at her son with a smile. Jungkook just nodded his head. He had already made up his mind. He was going to try again at love. And the boy had already made him hopeful. He was hopeful that things will turn out wonderfully at the end.

Taehyung was now siting on the couch enjoying the care that was being given to him

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Taehyung was now siting on the couch enjoying the care that was being given to him. Jiha and Jaehwan had also scolded him for being irrational in his decision and for the first time in his life he felt parental love. He smiled like a fool the entire time the old couple was scolding him and Jungkook just looked at him amused.

Finally after scolding him for fifteen minutes straight the couple stopped and hugged him. They wanted him to know that they would be there for him and he wouldn't be lonely anymore. "Tae call us mom and dad from now on. Ok!" Jiha said surprising the boy. Taehyung looked at her with his big glassy eyes. "R...R.. Really?" he said stuttering and when Jiha nodded her head he hugged her again muttering 'Thank yous'.

Minutes went by with them chatting and laughing. After having a good dinner all of them were now watching a movie. It was all normal until Taehyung suddenly felt the need to remove his pendent. His eyes widened realising that a spirit wanted to talk to him after about three weeks now. "Gguk!" he said catching everyone's attention. "What happened? Are you not feeling well?" Jungkook asked worried. Taehyung shook his head "No! I'm alright but I think someone's around."

Hearing this Jungkook quickly sprung to his feet and went towards the window facing the forest. He had not even walked half way through when his eye colour changed and his tattoo started glowing. Jungkook quickly ran to the window and saw the women's spirit standing at some distance from the house.

"Taehyung don't remove your pendent. You were just discharged." he said turning around. "But we need this Gguk. Stay by my side while I do this." Taehyung said and removed his pendent before anyone could stop him. Jungkook came back and crouched down right next to the boy. He kept looking at Taehyung with worried eyes.

Taehyung's eyes were closed and there were creases of distress on his forehead. He was taking deep breaths as if finding it difficult to take in air. All the others were silently watching him worried for his health. Soon Taehyung started taking shorter breaths and appeared to be struggling for air.

Jungkook quickly took the boy's hand in his own and started calling out for him hoping that he would come out of his head space. As expected Taehyung's eyes opened and he gasped. He looked around frantically and as soon as his eyes landed on Jungkook he embraced him tightly as if his life depended on it.

"It's alright. Everything is alright." Jungkook whispered into the boys ears while gently patting his head. After a few minutes Taehyung calmed down a little. Jungkook separated himself from Taehyung and gave him a glass of water. The latter gulped down the cool liquid in an instant to calm down his erratically beating heart. "What did she say?" Jungkook asked him softly. He wanted to know what the spirit had said that had made Taehyung so uneasy. All of them were calmly waiting for the boy to speak but the words that came out of the boys mouth the next second had their hearts hammering in their chests.

"H.. He knows about us. He wants Jungkook's soul."

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