Chapter 3

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"Really! He can see spirits?" Jimin asked surprised

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"Really! He can see spirits?" Jimin asked surprised. He and Taehyung were with Jiha in the kitchen and were helping her in the chores. "Yes! Even his father has the same ability. It runs in their blood." Jiha explained.

"So, you mean to say that your family runs a ghost busting business and that Jungkook has special powers to see and unbound spirits." Taehyung said curiosity evident in his voice.
The women nodded her head agreeing. "Wow! This is amazing." Jimin said chirping.

"You really believe me?" Jiha asked surprised. The two boys nodded their heads with smiles on their faces. "Really? Because most people treat us like crazy when we tell them this. It's refreshing to find young men like you who are ready to accept even the most peculiar of possibilities." she said feeling contented.

Jimin and Taehyung looked at each other and nodded. "Mrs. Jeon you don't have to worry about us not believing you." Taehyung said "I know how it feels when no one believes you just because you are saying something they don't relate to or haven't heard of."

The women smiled at that and continued.
"So let me tell you how they do the exo..... " "Mom why would you tell some strangers about that?" a loud voice intervened her. They turned around to see Jungkook standing there giving them his iconic cold glare. Taehyung couldn't help but scoff at that. He sighed and said "Mrs. Jeon it's okay. You can tell us about it some other time because I think the temperature here suddenly dropped and I don't want it to drop any further due to someone's cold words." He then turned towards the ravenette giving him a smirk the other raising his eyebrow at that.

None of them said anything after that the mood being already ruined by the tension between the two.

It was evening now. The old couple along with Jimin, Jin and Taehyung were sitting in the living room watching a drama when Jungkook and the others returned from somewhere. "Did you find anything in the preliminary search?" Jaehwan asked as soon as he saw them. "Yes! And we'll do the exorcism today. But since it's a wandering spirit we will need more time to catch it." Jungkook said and went into his office.

Jin, Jaehwan and Jiha followed them too leaving behind two curious boys. After a long discussion of about an hour or so they came out all ready with the supplies. "Oh! Where did the two go?" Jin said when he noticed that Taehyung and Jimin were not in the living room. "They must be around somewhere. Don't worry they not kids." Jaehwan said assuring them. They then bid farewell to the four and returned back to watching the drama.

"Jimin are you sure that we are at the right location

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"Jimin are you sure that we are at the right location. We've been waiting here for the past one hour but nobody has shown up till now." Taehyung asked his friend. "Don't worry I heard everything they said and the address is absolutely right. They will be coming any minute now." Jimin assured. "But is it really necessary to do so Jiminah? " "Aren't you curious how the exorcism is done Tae? Don't worry no one will know about it. We will see it and then go back. " hearing this Taehyung nodded and looked towards the small farmhouse infront of them.

The two boys had heard the conversation inside the office and had come to the location before anyone could spot them. They were now hiding behind a huge tree infront of the farmhouse. Soon they saw four people enter it. They couldn't help but smile to themselves. With their hearts beating loudly they were on a rollercoaster of excitement.

"It's starting Tae! It's starting! " Jimin whispered. Taehyung nodded and looked ahead. He saw how Jungkook went into the house and came out after a few minutes shouting something to the others. Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi arranged themselves in something like a triangle and banged huge sticks on the ground chanting something.

From far it looked like Jungkook was talking to someone. The temperature around them was also decreasing rapidly. Taehyung didn't know what was happening to him but his hand suddenly went towards his neck and pulled out the pendant he was wearing. He did not even realise it but then he heard something and his eyes widened. He got up and ran towards Jungkook leaving behind an oblivious Jimin.

"You can't go anywhere now. Let's finish this quick." Jungkook said eyeing the spirit in front of him. This time it was a women who looked around thirty in age. But Jungkook didn't care because in his eyes it was just an evil spirit. Something that might cause trouble to others. He took out his whip and ran towards the spirit. He flung it around the spirit's neck and was about to stab her with the Eret when he heard a voice.

"Stop! It's asking for your help."

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