Chapter 8

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"Why is he here? " Yoongi said eyeing Jimin with annoyance

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"Why is he here? " Yoongi said eyeing Jimin with annoyance. "I don't need your approval to be here. I'm joining the team too." Jimin said sassily and turned his head away from the person who was glaring at him now.

"Just shut up both of you." Hoseok said getting up. "We all are a team now so let's just accept it. It's not hard. Ok!" he said giving his sunshine smile. Everyone nodded though it was half hearted from some ends. "Hobi hyung why don't you tell them a few things about the exorcism." Jungkook said and the said boy quickly got up nodding his head.

Hoseok went towards the screen placed near the table and started. "There are steps that have to be followed when we do an exorcism. First is the preliminary search. It is important as it helps us to know about the kind of spirit we are going to face and thus prepare accordingly. Then on the D-day first Jungkook confirms the presense of the spirit and then we make a special formation to trap it. Once the spirit is trapped Jungkook stabs it with an Eret and unbounds it."

"What is an Eret?" Taehyung asked. "It is a special stick. It's made with wood and blue salt and it is the most important thing to unbound a spirit." Hoseok answered.

"Tell us more about the formation." Taehyung said. Curiosity was evident in his voice. Hoseok nodded and said "The formation is called Ternion barrier. For this three people have to stand in the form of a triangle holding special enchanted sticks. After banging the sticks a special spell is chanted and a barrier gets created. This barrier is only visible to Jungkook. Once a spirit gets trapped inside, it cannot escape. But if the chanting stops the barrier breaks." Hearing this Taehyung and Jimin nodded understanding everything.

After about a few hours of explaining other things to the two new members Jungkook said "Today we'll go on a preliminary search in the same farmhouse we were at, last time." saying this he looked towards the two boys "And don't worry you'll get the hang of it once you start doing it." With this Jungkook and the others left while Taehyung and Jimin just stood there.

"Does he think that we're playing a game? 'You'll get the hang of it'. Huh! " Taehyung said sarcastically earning a laugh from Jimin. Then both the boys went towards the direction the other's went ready for their first mission.

Meanwhile elsewhere

"Mr. Kim we've confirmed that he ran with his friend Jimin." the secretary said. Mr. Kim banged his hands on the table and stood up. "How dare he? I told him not to hang out with that lowlife but instead of listening to me he ran away with that orphan. Taehyung has to be taught a lesson." he said breathing fire. "Find him Mr. Yoon. Do it as fast as possible. We can't risk Mr. Choi getting angry." he instructed and the secretary bowed once before going out to work.

Mr. Kim sat again and looked at the contract on the table. He couldn't let this golden deal slip from his hands. So, he decided to do anything for it even if it meant sacrifising his only son.

"I hope you both will behave this time

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"I hope you both will behave this time." Jungkook said getting out of the van. Taehyung just rolled his eyes at that. "Yes teacher! As you say." he said giving Jungkook a sarcastic smile. Jungkook just looked at him with an annoyed expression and then started walking towards the farmhouse.

They went in and started looking around. Jungkook had asked Taehyung to be with him all the time. The two boys went around the house while the others stayed behind in the living room.

"Jungkook if it's a wandering spirit then why are we looking for it here?" Taehyung asked. "If you have a better plan and place in mind then do tell." Jungkook retorted in a cold voice. Taehyung just looked at him glaring and pouting. He didn't like the other's cold behavior but he remained shut so that he does not piss off the ravenette. After taking a look at the entire house they returned back to where the others were.

"Did you find it kook?" Suga asked. Jungkook was about to reply when suddenly his eye color changed and the tattoo on his hands started glowing. The others saw this change and stiffened. Even Jimin was speechless. Jungkook turned around and got frozen in his tracks.

Taehyung on the other hand was standing near the stairs in the house looking at the chandelier. He was oblivious of the eyes on him. He was looking at the beautiful glass piece that had caught his attention when he heard a small voice.

"Taehyung don't move. The spirit is right behind you."

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