Chapter three (3) an eye for an eye

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            Muhammad Adyan Salman

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            Muhammad Adyan Salman


It's been three days since the incident but it was still fresh in kaltoom's mind and she vowed to take revenge even if it wasn't in this life

Meanwhile Muhammad Adyan  on the other hand was trying to forget the incident but he couldn't he found himself thinking about it once in a while, The girl was too spoilt for her own good, there's something about her that kept intriguing him but he didn't want to think much about it.

He did his best to put the thought of Kaltoom and her attitude behind.

Muhammad Adyan or Adyan as he is being called called is the first son of alhaji Salman  a very famous and successful business man known by everyone in the country for his success

Adyan was in his final year in university at Shanghai studying civil engineering and is currently back after a long time awey from home

Adyan had two siblings khairiya and Laila his mom was from Niger republic and his dad was a Hausa man from Kano state
His parents met while his dad was on a business trip in Niger their courtship didn't take too long and they got married and moved down to kaduna state in Nigeria where Adyan and his sisters were born and brought up
Adyan was smart with a good sense of humor and self directed
his sister Laila studies in kaduna state university while the elder one khairiya studies in Egypt where she study medicine that is the Salman's family

The Salman's had a big reputation their business was known all over the country even though
Mr Salman doesn't include his family in business to him their safety was biggest concern and being a business man in the country and that too a very successful one had it ups and down which includes foes and risks he loved his family dearly and didn't want to endanger them so his family is 89% unknown to the world

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