Chapter eleven (11) Lets make it official (2)

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Don't despair and never lose hope....

Adyan POV
I cant believe what happened today my mom didnot just say she wanna make this official between me and that brat of a girl
My mind was completely filled with thoughts as I drive us home
I'm so confused why won't they ask what I want or if I even like that girl, I know I've never had any girlfriends before even though I've come through a lot of girls who were interested in me this whole relationship thing has never been on my mind
And now just when I found the one for me my family have decided to make me marry their choice
There's no way I'm marrying that girl, hell no I can't.
We reached home around magrib I went straight to the mosque and didn't come home till it was after nine
When I entered the house it was very quite from the outside I went in and saw Khairiya and my mom in the sitting room, they were watching a movie or whatever
I greeted mom and head to my room I was hungry but I didn't have the appetite to eat right now
I decided to check on Laila she may get on my nerves at times but she's still my adorable little sister
I said salam and entered she was on her laptop probably doing some assignment or chatting I thought
"Hi...! She said meekly
"Hey what are you doing alone?.. she said she was doing her assignment just as I thought
I sat down on her loveseat and grab the AC remote from the table
We went silent for a few minutes before Laila spoke
"What's wrong with you Yaya?
I heaved a sigh and look at her I didn't feel like telling her but I know she won't let me be so I decided to tell her who knows she may come up with a way to end this thing before it gets too far
"Laila.. it's about Kaltoom, I'm not really into her I like someone else.. I told her in one breath
She narrowed her eye at me then bit her lips and spoke "why didn't you say so in the beginning? And who do you like Yaya we don't even know her..
She was right even I don't know her a lot "she's Humaira I met her in your school...
"And does she know about this? Laila cut me short
I only nodded in disapproval
"Yaya you know we love you and we only want what's best for you, mom and dad are smart people the want you and kaltoom together do you think they'll let you marry this Humaira girl?
Damn Laila just dropped the bomb I have thought about this but I didn't know it was like this until she said it, of course my parents may not agree especially with the way things are going
"Okay how about you call that girl right now and talk to her if she's in for this then we would sort it out one way inshallah" that was Laila she's very realistic unlike some girls of her age
I dialed Humaira's number it's either now or never!
I've managed to muster up the courage to say out my feelings thanks to Laila
Now I won't let it go to waste just like that
She picked on the third ring and I said salam we greeted and I ask how she was, now was the time to say the reason I called her, Laila was gawking at me like a hawk
If I weren't in this situation I would have laughed at her reaction, but she do look cute though with that desperate look to know what would happen

"Actually I've been wanting to tell you something, I realize this is the right time to say cause it might change the situation I'm in right now." I took a pause and continued
"I really like you Humaira, I don't know how you feel about me but I do like you, and it's only with your concern I can take things further, and by this I mean if you are into me let's make it official" wow that was the most difficult paragraph I've made all my life it took everything in me, I felt drained but at the same time relieved it was like a burden that had been on my heart since I met Humaira
She was quite for almost three minutes, Laila nudged me to speak I didn't know what to say so I just said hello are you there
"Yes sorry...." she managed to stammer
"So what do you say or do you need time to think about it, I'm in a tight spot right now but you can take your time if you want" I said as calmly as I can
"No that is not the case, I've heard everything you said and I never knew you felt like that about me... there's no much to think the truth is am already engaged to someone else I'm really really sorry" she said all in one breath
I felt an excruciating pain in my heart I've never felt this before so this is what heartbreak feels like,
I felt my world stop this is too much for one person
First I fell in love with someone then got hooked up with another I don't like and then this....
I felt a hand touched me and I moved my eye in that direction it was Khairiya I wonder when she came in  she gave me a sad smile
I didn't realize my eyes were watery until a lone tear escaped my eye
Laila got up and gave me a tight hug, I really need this right now
Khairiya collected the phone from my hand and said god knows before typing and dropping the phone on Laila's bed
She made me sit while still holding my hand
I looked at the both of them these are my world I love my sisters dearly more than anything and seeing them look this unhappy because of me was really making me sad I felt very bad
I let out a smile the room was pin drop silent except for the sound of the AC cause it was already late
" Ya Ady that girl is not for you, let her go don't beat yourself up for this, you guys aren't made to be and if you are trust me she'll become yours no matter what" Khairiya said reassuringly
I could only nod and smile, she was right my little sister is so grown up and sensible
Now it was Laila's turn to speak
"You deserve better and you know what's better? My friend Kaltoom!
She said it like an achievement and I couldn't help laugh at her childishness
"Yaya just give you two a try trust me you'll make the best couple ever"
Why was I been such a baby! These two are my sisters, my family
They only want what's best for me and want to see me happy
I gave them a broad smile and cheered up
"Let's cheers to a new beginning! These Humaira thing never happened, oh my gosh who is Humaira? Laila said and we all laughed at her
It was already very late I wished them goodnight and went to my room
Yes I lost Humaira but I still got something better my family that's more than enough alhamdulilah!

Kaltoom has been having unexplainable feelings ever since the Salman's left
She wanted to stay focused and decide what is best for herself
She was okay with his family infact she didn't mind becoming their daughter in law someday
But the real problem was Adyan, does he even like her? No!
He doesn't even show any care in the world about her she couldn't imagine ruining her life like that by making the wrong decision and marrying a man who doesn't want to be with her
But what about her does she like him? Hell no!
She was very confused and slept with the thought in her mind she was going to call her best friend the next day she had to help her think things through
Amani May be stupid but she's really wise she'll give her great advice and with that she flew to lala land
The next morning Adyan woke up with a slight headache
He still feel pain from losing Humaira good thing they didn't date, he knew he would be over her but it may take a little while
He had few day before his return to China, he wished he could prolong the holidays lucky it's his last semester and after that he would be done with his studies for good and come home
With the thought of school on his mind he called Afdal and they spoke
He went down and saw his family every one was up and dressed up except Laila who still had her pajamas on and a beanie that covered her hair
He greeted his mom who informed him his dad was on his way back, no wonder everyone's up early on a weekend he thought
"What's for breakfast? Asked a hungry Laila
"Stop lazying around and pick your butt up, the kitchen is that way go see what they are making and if you don't want it ask for something else" Khairiya replied with an eye roll as she set the table
"I want pancakes or cream cheese and a black coffee can you make sure it is done? Adyan asked Laila who nodded and went into the kitchen
"I also want pancakes" Laila shout after Khairiya
"Laila I pity your husband he would never get good breakfast or breakfast on time" their mom added and Laila pouted making Adyan chuckle
She's not a morning person she prefers to pray fajr and go back to her lovely bed
"Ady you know you got serious business with your dad once he comes back right? Mrs Salman said as she wiggle her brows at her son
Laila quickly looked at him and smirked as he rubs his hands over his hair
"Yes mom, I know" Mrs Salman nodded and smiled she was glad Adyan was giving in
"You never say weather you like her or not? She asked
"Well mom I'm still trying to understand her properly" she was about to say more when the maid announced breakfast was ready Adyan was the first to get up and Laila trailed behind him
They all ate together as they chat about one thing or the other 
An hour after breakfast Adyan went to the airport to bring his dad home who just returned from a business trip to Jamaica
His plane was landing at 11:00 but he knew his father hated delay and would prefer him to come ghim from the airport so he went as early as nine
He stopped at yum yum ice cream and grab a scope just to kill time even thou he knew he would still have to wait at the airport
"Muhammad you know I'm planning to get you married after you return from China right? His father spoke in a serious tone as they drove home
Adyan almost choked on his saliva "okay father, but don't I need to settle and get a job first?.. he said not knowing what to say
"What about the family business who is going to run that? His dad asked concerned
Adyan kept quite and Mr Salman continued
"Well if you really want to go into your field of study it's alright I'll think of a way to continue the business on my own" he said blankly
"No dad I will run the business besides I can do the two I guess it won't be difficult" he said to lighten up the mood
His dad chuckled and pat his shoulder
"You can do it son, I trust you I'll also have to meet Mr Kabir about the girl his my old time friend so you have nothing to worry she's all yours"
Adyan mentally laughed who told his dad he was into that girl his just doing this for his family sake nothing more he thought as he drive into their street
"Everything would be official soon" he added reassuringly and Adyan just smiled at it

Hey guys👋❤️ it's me again with another chappie
So for the next chapter we are going to have a new character
If you want your name as the new character simply comment on Adyan's POV the first paragraph for kaltoom and the last one with your name
Thanks for reading Hearts Connect
I love y'all so much 😘❤️

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