CHAPTER 41 : Abee's princess

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@Mamarh88 Thank you for your endless votes! Jazakallah khairan

Her phone beeped for the nth time,  She rolled her eyes in exhaustion, But she knew she wasn't picking and Afdal should know that more than anyone, he literally knows her since forever now don't he.

He knows how stubborn she is, coming to stay with the Kabir's or her family as some may say was only an excuse, well at first it was an excuse.

An excuse to get away from Afdal ever since the bomb he had dropped at the hospital, She didn't want to talk to him anymore.
That was her way of hiding away from being hurt.
She'd run away like a coward.

Why on earth would he think of such a thing he was her brother!

Not even in her wildest dreams have she ever imagined been married to him, yes she was literate enough to know he wasn't her Maharem, But deep in her heart Afdal has always been a family, Brother precisely!

She understood he was doing it for their Mah but did he had to go extra length like that, and he should know better than anyone that she would never leave them.

She won't lie she was beginning to have a soft spot for her biological family but they were the family that she knew all her life and she can't just abandon them because she found her real parents.

A soft knock came from the door and she quickly wiped her cheek from the lone tear that had cascaded down a minute ago.

"Come in" She said bringing herself together and trying to smile.
It was her sister Kaltoom.

"Hey Baby sis"  Kaltoom cooed she looked genuinely happy, Her sister was bubbly and fun, a bestie she never had!

"For the record I was only ten minutes late to this world than you, so cut me some slack" Afeeyah said as she rolled her eyes at Kaltoom

"Whatever! I'm going to Laila's wanna tag?" Kaltoom asked
"I thought I was shameless but you are way worst, how can you go to your in laws two month to your wedding, get a grip of your self girl" Afeeyah said with all sincerity

"Blablabla... You're just like Ammi, fine let's go to Amani, Laila can come meet us up, We have some discussions and they haven't officially meet my twin sis" she said wiping an invisible tear.

"All right let me get ready.." Afeeyah didn't get to finish cause Kaltoom threw a blue jersey veil to her.

"Girl.. you look fine, this is Nigeria, not Australia, or North Korea or Pakistan..."

"Shut up I get it and for the record I've never been to Pakistan " Afeeyah said as she pinned her veil and spray some perfumes on herself

"Wait you've been to Korea? Omg?" Kaltoom gaped, she wondered in her mind how much more places Afeeyah has traveled to, According to source which turns out to be "Laila Salman", Afeeyah travels like mad.

The girl spent her parents money traveling from one county to another like she only got limited time on earth to leave so she gotta make good use of it.

Kaltoom made a mental note to feed her curiosity and ask how many places Afeeyah has been to but first they gotta get out of here before Ammi changes her mind, she had been a bit over protective of her twins ever since Afeeyah came as if they'd be misplaced again, typical Ammi they are grown ups for God'sake!

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