Chapter eight(8) Laila's choice

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Ya allah make us to see Ramadan....

They arrived at the Abdullah's mansion and went to greet Amani's mom after that they had lunch together along with Mrs. Abdullah who happened to be very loving and chatty without a doubt you could tell that's where Amani got that carefree  trait from

Plus Mrs Abdullah here Amani's mom was those kinda women that give the "Rich Aunty Vibe" so the girls loved it around her.

They went to Amani's room to have a chat leaving her mom with the maids who were clearing up the dining .

"So how is it with your Prince Charming? Amani asked mischievously wiggling her brows making kaltoom furrow her brows in confusion

"who exactly? Last time I checked I was single..? She asked more like stated Laila blushed and replied

"she's talking about ya ady!

"Hey hey what"

altoom said eyes as wide as saucers and threw Amani a pillow

"his not my boyfriend I can't date that guy ,ewww"
She said Scrunching her face

"His my brotherrrr" Laila mouthed with a funny face

"and why not? Amani chirped in

"you have to, I want the two of you together you'd make a great couple and your babies oh my good they'd be so cute... Amani cooed earning her another pillow punch from kaltoom which she caught on time

"and that way I'd never be bored if you guys continue to fight they way you do it's so cute you know and besides ya ady doesn't have a girlfriend and when he does I want it to be my choice and you are my choice darling"
Laila  said pulling kaltoom's cheeks which was now flushed she took a pillow and hit Laila who screamed even though it didn't hurt and Mrs. Abdullah came in a bit worked up

"what's happening? She asked curiously to the girls who looked like they just saw a clown except kaltoom who had a long face

"maa it's kaltoom she keeps hitting us with the pillow" Amani complained

"I'm pretty sure you did something to her....
she didn't complete it

"Maa they are teasing me" kaltoom said "about what? She asked kaltoom mentally scold herself for saying that and before she could say anymore Amani has answered

" it's about her boyfriend to be" and that did it she buried her head in the pillow she was holding,

Mrs. Abdullah scold Amani and left the room and immediately kaltoom got up to grab Amani who started to run Laila couldn't help it with the laughter she was holding as she exploded....

 Abdullah scold Amani and left the room and immediately kaltoom got up to grab Amani who started to run Laila couldn't help it with the laughter she was holding as she exploded

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