CHAPTER FOURTHEEN (14)Mall incident

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Adyan POV
As I lay down on my bed I reminisced about the whole day starting from when I saw her in that big shirt and a messed up bun she looked so attractive and cute I had to mentally scold my self from staring too much
She was chasing her friend whom almost fell and I helped she was so possessive of her friend that she swat my hand away from her and drag her up such a brat!
As I waited for her, her brother whom I learnt his name was Khalid came we greeted and he asked why I was there I told him i was there to see his sister and we are going for lunch he was about asking further questions when Mrs Kabir came and we greeted refreshments where served for me which I barely touched cause I wasn't hungry I dropped by at ostrich and grabbed a snack so I was full
Minutes later a transformed Kaltoom came downstairs with her friend trailing behind her she looked.... I can't find the word in the dictionary
Well absolutely beautiful!!
Watching her eat her food as she enjoyed every bite she was so cute
We decided to be friends and we had a lot of fun getting to know each other better
Even if we don't end up getting married friendship was worth it
We went ice cream shopping and she made it fun too deciding on which flavors to take she was generous enough to get some for Laila too
I could never get bored like this
And her mood was priceless I just enjoyed seeing this carefree and less bratty side of her even though she threw a little tantrum a few times like when I told her she has had enough ice cream
She looked like she could tear up any minute so I made up a story about brain freeze she laughed it off
So I told her too much ice cream causes obesity and belly fat the look on her face was priceless
She believed it and immediately drop the chocolate ice cream she was licking with a sad face

 I can't find the word in the dictionary Well absolutely beautiful!!Watching her eat her food as she enjoyed every bite she was so cute We decided to be friends and we had a lot of fun getting to know each other betterEven if we don't end up getti...

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I felt a little bad so I convinced her to take the package
finding everything she does cute as I thought about all this there was this smile etched on my lips just can't believe the thought of this girl made me smile usually it's a scowl that would appear at the thought of her
People are right maybe everyone deserves a chance I didn't realize Khairiya's presence in the room
"Hey you scared me" I said getting up and adjusting on the bed rest
"I've been standing here for the past sixty seconds.."
"Oh have you?" I asked narrowing my eyes at her and she burst into a little laugh
"Ya who are you thinking of?"
She asked wiggling her brows like a nerd
"Get out of my room I'm sleepy?
"Not untill you tell me" she said adjusting her sitting position
"Can't I think again? You are invading my privacy way too much little one"
"Ya... stop being dramatic...." she said in between laughter
I had to shoo her off Khairiya can be a pain in the neck
I slumped on the bed realizing how tired I am
And how tired I'll be in the next five days to come
I really don't miss China and I wish I could stay in Nigeria a little longer
I miss my family and I'm just getting to know Kaltoom some more I don't even know if things would work out well between us

or if we are compatible

Ohhh wait... where did that come from?

Finally freeing my mind from all the troubled thoughts I slept off peacefully letting all my worries go

It was a beautiful Friday morning and the sun shine through the sky making the day seem as lively as it was, Kaltoom woke up with a cold from the previous day shenanigans
"Hey Girl ain't you going to school today" Maimoona asked as she rummage through Kaltoom's wall in closet

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