CHAPTER 36: a whole bunch of reasons

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In less than 15 minutes they were able to come up with 3 donors.
Luckily enough....

Thankfully, Afdal was doing well he spoke like he wasn't the one in bandages and he just wanted to leave that hospital bed and be with his sister the bond those two share was just something to gape about all day, he was so worried about her, and Khairiyya was so worried about him....

She wouldn't leave his bedside even for a moment and damn everyone saw the way they stared at each other.

The love was too evident, and one could say this accident happened for a reason, a whole bunch of reasons.
Only time would tell!

Meanwhile we just relax,kickback and enjoy!

Everyone could clearly see that.. literally everyone, yes including their parents.

Girl once this thing was over you got some explaining to do!

That was obviously what Mrs Salman would have said if things were so great.

They assured him Afeeyah was doing fine and that he could go see her once the doctor approves... She was still in the emergency room but they weren't telling him that, they only told him the doctors said she needed rest and they could see her once she wakes up.

Meanwhile Kaltoom wasn't having any of it she decided to pay no attention to Adyan he could care about his cousin and act like she didn't exist for all she cares .. oh maybe she cares.. but it doesn't matter to him right.

With the way he was so worried,it seems he might need a bed himself, he was worrying sick, more than any of them.

First it was Khairiyya and now him
Everyone was relieved to find out Afeeyah was out of danger and doing well but he was still very much disturbed, he wasn't himself and if no one saw that Kaltoom saw it right through his soul.

What was even the matter with him was he in love with Afeeyah?

Hell No!
"How dare you assume that"
She screamed at her subconscious.

So what was it? Was she just being delusional or jealous?

Kaltoom was brought back from her reverie by Amani's touch she held her arm and they went out of the room in which They were all sitted comfortably.

P.s it was a VIP room so you can imagine how comfy it'd be .

It was almost seven thankfully they'd call home and explain that they'd be at the hospital.

Kaltoom's mom said they'd come after Magrib so they should be on their way by now.

"Girl what's wrong with you?" Amani asked immediately they were in the sited outside

She was monitoring both her and Adyan with her eyes.

The way he didn't acknowledge Kaltoom's presence not like he was supposed to, but at least,
Damn! He was supposed to.

"What do you mean what's wrong with me? You should be asking Adyan that not me.." she replied at the brink of tears.

Was her best friend really gonna cry over a guy. Well Adyan wasn't like any other guy she knew that her self, but Kaltoom was the queen of sass, attitude and I don't care, so why was she letting him get to her.

~ CONNECTED HEARTS~bykulsumWhere stories live. Discover now