Chapter 35: at the hospital

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Things have really changed after Kaltoom admitted to loving Adyan.

Of course it was obvious she loves him everyone knew that but no one would tell her that they let her agree to the fact that she does on her own.

Cause the last time Amani forced her to accept it ended up into a fight, Girl was in denial!
Laila tried her luck but it was useless

And finally she accepted it on her own!

And since then no one heard the end of it, she and Adyan were all over each other not like they weren't before but it doubled twice

Nah thrice, whatever you name it

But the two would make you cringe

Even when Laila and Amani tried to annoy her and rub it on her face that she was hopelessly in love, instead of the way she used to argue and deny this days she admits it and annoy them instead.

The elders have already sat and agreed on a date


So it was in three months

Right now the three where sitted in Amani's room making plans .

Kaltoom wanted to have just two events but her best friends didn't agree

They wanted a full blown wedding, one that would be the talk of the whole town

"Meems would do your make up, she's good...." Laila started before she was cut off by Amani

"Laila Salman... Just so you know I have a cousin whom I invited for this wedding from abroad all so she could do Kaltoom's makeup" Amani said dramatically

"Duhhh".... Laila said and rolled her eye

"And she's a professional makeup artist too she does makeup for models who walk the red carpet " Amani added dramatically

"Amani shut the fuck up I get it okay... Your amazing cousin would do the Make up" Laila said sarcastically

Kaltoom just facepalm and stared from one person to another they'd ask her something but won't let her decide so she just let them do everything and listen like a child who couldn't decide for her own self

Laila's phone rang and she picked the call it was Khairiya she put the call on speaker and dropped it on the pillow she was holding

She was sobbing on the call
They all got tensed eager to hear what she would say

Laila was already shaking in fear Khairiya hardly cries like that unless it was serious... Very serious precisely
That's how strong she was

"Talk to me... What's wrong? Where are you" Laila asked with a trembling voice, she was confused and scared about what the reason for Khairiyya crying could be, there was no need to hope cause whatever it was, it wasn't good.

"We are at the hospital... Please come"
That's was the last thing Khairiya said before the line went off.

Laila knew of only one hospital her family goes to so she run out as her friends followed behind, Amani volunteered to drive cause both Laila and Kaltoom weren't in their full sense.

~ CONNECTED HEARTS~bykulsumWhere stories live. Discover now