Chapter 26:Enticing

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Kaltoom's POV

We were almost late for our flight and everyone was literally running up and down like Sonic the hedgehog.. yes almost.

Last night was one hell of a night and one to remember for ages, I was still wearing the beautiful diamond ring Adyan gave me yesterday.
If you are wondering I actually said yes!

So to cut the story short I said yes to Adyan's proposal and he literally hugged me,it was so surreal and unusual, I mean not that I've never been hugged before, I have more than a thousand times by Abbi, Faruk, Khalid and my mom as well as my friends.
But none felt the same way as this one.

I wished I could stop time and keep inhaling the sweet and brain melting scent of Adyan. But the hug was as quick as it happened, he let go of me immediately as if just realizing what he did.

I was a blushing mess, I haven't even given it a thought before accepting his proposal, and all the consequences that came with it.

A shrilling voice of Laila was what brought me back to the real world. I've told Laila about the proposal and also shown her the ring and your girl couldn't stop squeaking dancing etc .

"Do you want to live the rest of your life in china alone cause we are living and it seems you are not done cuddling with your suitcase" she said as she dragged her suitcase down the stairs.

"What the butt Laila.." but before I could finish she has exited the living room and her presence was replaced by that of Adyan's . I haven't seen him since we came back from the Prom last night.

"Morning pretty! Let me help you with that" he said as he took my bag

"Yah I'm sure you can see I'm wearing a very beautiful gown right now and I passed you to go drop my "heavy"  suitcase but... Yah Adyyy kadena  so nah" Laila said dragging her feet's out of the room but we were lost in our little world to pay any heed to her.

Adyan was stealing glances at me and I was doing the same he was wearing a freaking Ash gezner yes this dude was wearing Kaftan and saying he looked handsome would be an understatement.
I felt embarrassed at my thoughts thinking of the way I've recently been so enticed and charmed by Adyan since we came to China.

I'm sure he was reading my thoughts because of the way he smirked... Oh Allah what is happening to me!
I became so aware of the fact that Adyan has caught me staring and not actually reading my thoughts.

Not my fault.. it should be illegal to look this smoking hot and good.

We reached the cars and I sat at the back with Laila who was talking to her friend Jalal on the phone I gave her a mischievous smile she read it's meaning and throw me a scowl the ended the call.

'Talking to your Mr huh? I said

"Ewww you are so smitten by my brother you actually think everyone else is madly in love" she said opening a bar of chocolate.

"Yeah whatevs''  I can't believe my self that's all I could say.

We sat in comfortable silent as we were been driven to the airport.

Soon enough we were in the plane once again and heading to Niger Republic. We FaceTime with Khalid who was with maimoona and Also with Amani who was all over us demanding to hear the story Laila promised her when we landed. This girl lacks patience.

And I'm pretty sure I know what the story revolves around. Snitch!

Mom and dad were behind us so we behaved Like good girls and didn't bicker.


Maradi felt like home, Adyan's mom family were quite welcoming just like herself and warm.

It was a very big house filled with Al least more than twenty five people most of which were young men.

One thing out of place was the way they speak fluent Arabic leaving us standing like fools well except for Adyan's mom.

We had chilled Carmel milk and some snacks. It was late evening so I and Laila, I mean Laila took me on a tour around the huge mansion.

We met three of her cousins outside the garden and a toddler whom I learnt was Yasmeen, she was so cute. I carried her with us we took alot of pictures together some alone some with Laila. The house almost looked like those royal Arabian mansions.

The guys we met outside went along with us my mind was anywhere but searching for Adyan, Even if it were a glimpse I just wanted go see my knight in shining Kaftan!

We got tired and decide to retire we were almost at the entrance of the main mansion when  his scent hit my nostrils.
There he was standing in all his grace.

Yasmeen was still with me so I pulled her along as we went to Adyan who couldn't take his eyes off Me making me so conscious of myself I almost tripped. Idiot!

Your dude wasn't even blinking.

"Dudeeee" I screeched immediately I was in front of him.

"What that voice do to me' before I could utter a word he changed the subject

"Where did you get that baby from" he cooed as he took Yasmeen up his arm and she was a giggling mess as he shook her up and down.

The sight was so cute I had to take a pic.

I was so never deleting that untill we have our own little Yasmeen! Omg!

I was already thinking of babies with this handsome piece of hunk! Girl you are entirely enticed!
So smitten.

"Yasmeen Ayn kuntA very beautiful middle aged woman came and Yasmeen ran to her laughing.

"Laqad kanat mae khalatiha aljadida" Adyan said to the woman smiling like a fool.

She was his aunt "Huda" whom I later learnt she was really kind and sweet she spoke hausa but very bad one.

This whole family were entirely Arabians no wonder the Salman siblings look like halfcaste I mean technically they are.

Especially my Adyan! Ouuuuu!!

We spent thirty minutes until it was magrib before i went in to pray and left Adyan who was going to the mosque in this estate cause it was a mini estate to Me.

I was all smiles so was my prince charming.

I went into the room given to me and Laila and found her snitching on me with Amani.

And you know what happens next...

Adyans mom had to come and see if we weren't killing each other, the snitch and her fellow snitch were calling me a smitten fool!

I made Amani a threat to kill her once I returned to Nigeria an empty threat actually lol.

Happy belated new year guys !

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Stay safe and God bless ✨💫

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