Chapter nine(9) the date

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....Patience is beautiful and it comes with a lot of rewards.....
Adyan's POV
I was so confused I've never felt this way how do I say this it looks like my sweet baby sister is hellbent on ruining my life
I just got a green flag from my crush, well I haven't called her yet but that was what I wanted to do immediately I was home but I guess Laila had different plans for me
And I can't do anything about it now since my dad has said something regarding this, Laila has already set up a date for me and that bratty girl, yes she's a brat she's so spoilt and talks a lot
I'll just be a gentle man and ask her nicely to say no to all of this I'm pretty sure she's not interested in me just like I'm not interested in her
I still haven't called Humaira I want to but I'm confused what would I tell her? Times like this I really miss my best friend Afdal he would have handled this smoothly
I just came out of the shower and there sat my "lovely sweet sis" with a creepy smile etched on her face "khairiya what do you want? I asked "Laila said to come check if you are done" I gave her a confused look
"Okey well, so now Laila controls this household she decides what we do and who we date? I asked with sarcasm lacing my tone
"Well she's helping mom in the kitchen and since mom won't let her leave she plead with me to come check up on you?
See now, khairiya is so gentle and she understands me the most maybe I should just talk to her about this
I ran my fingers through my wet hair and sat on the bed facing her
"Ya ady are you alright? She asked me I could tell she was concerned
I thought about it and decided to just speak to her about it
"Khairiya I don't want this... I don't like that girl"
She looked at me as if I have grown two heads
"You haven't gotten to know her you can't just conclude, I've heard her and Laila FaceTime a couple of times and I see she's really lovely and carefree, and trust me she's perfect for you you'd like her just give it a try"
She assured me nicely and gave me a small pat on my shoulder before exiting the room
You see Khairiya is like the little bro I never had
I got up dressed I looked in the mirror and I was satisfied with my look so I spray my perfumes and got out to the sitting room.. here goes nothing
Laila let out a squeal as soon as she saw me earning the attention of my mom who was in the kitchen and khairiya who was obviously chatting with someone in her phone
"Oh my Allah, mashallah ya ady you look so damn hot, if I weren't your sister I could have date you.." Laila cooed as usual over exaggerating
"Ya ady you look great" khairiya said calmly giving me a thumbs up then my mom stood there smiling at us
Now that's my family you could see the love everywhere
I gave them my signature smile and bid them farewell before exiting the door Laila ran after me
"Ya ady please you guys have to get along, I mean look at you, oh god I wonder how kaltoom looks right now! Ya Ady pls for my sake.... she plead like her life depends on me dating that spoilt girl

"It's official you are nuts Laila" I said chuckling as I entered in into my Rolls Royce it was a gift I got from my dad for my birthday and I really loved that car
I revved the car to life and bade her goodbye she kept smiling and telling me good luck
Goodness! My baby sister is really crazy like who does the things she does
Well I wished she was setting me up with Humaira and that changed my mood I felt sad I still haven't called her I'm tryna pull things together here first

Kaltoom got dressed in a black fitted gown tied her hair into a bun and apply her lipgloss and eyeliner then took a black vintage purse and same for her heels she looked so cute like she was dressed for a college prom or those high class get togethers
She agreed to go on the date after Laila's stubborn pursuit the dress was decided by Amani.
She decided to give them both a try who knows....
She bade her mom good bye Farouk would be dropping her off Cafe L'Buggatti where the date was to take place as he had work to do somewhere close
"Sumi don't show off your Tom boy attitude it's a date please be more lady like" that was Farouk's voice after ten minutes of silence in the car Kaltoom gave him a "I can't believe you just said that" look and hit him with her purse "see who's giving me dates advice, you are basically taunting me! If you knew so much about dating get yourself a girlfriend" She said with disbelief he chuckled and said sorry

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