Chapter thirteen(13) knowing Mr. Ego

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...Allah doesn't burden a soul with that which it cannot bear...."

Hey there lovelies❤️ this chapter requires you to get a mug of hot coffee😉 cause our ship's are about to start sailing yeah!! Enjoy😘

I have a date in less than an hour and Amani is still not here I'm so killing that girl today! I was pacing up and down my room for the umpteenth time, with clothes scattered everywhere In my closet I was nervous
The door crept open slowly and I raised my head sharply to see who it was, it was mom she came to inform me that Amani is downstairs not after warning me to clean up the room
I ran all the way down by now I'm used to running up and down the stairs even though we located to this house just two years ago
as I do it on a daily base
I saw Amani sitting down and as soon as our eyes met she stood up i took the pillow on the cushion and threw it at her
I started chasing her around the room and she trip and almost fell but a muscular hand helped her up

What the Nutella? Adyan!!!..

I quickly removed his hands from Amani's shoulder I don't even know how I did that or why
I didn't expect him now that's like one hour earlier
Our eyes met and he quickly reverted his gaze from me
And that was when I became conscious of my appearance I was still on my sleeping trouser and one of Farouk's many T-shirts which looked baggy on me,that I stole from his wardrobe my hair was nothing I wanted to talk about, the scattered bun! it was like I had a fight with a wild cat

I was a complete mess, realizing that I grabbed Amani's hand and pull her up to my room
Embarrassment would be an understatement to what I feel right now! Thanks to Amani
She should take some lessons from Adyan
Talking about Adyan he was the main reason why I wanted to look good and now Oh No!
He had never seen me like that, everytime we met I was completely dressed and looking as cute as I love to look.
I shut the door behind us and sent Amani the scariest look it was evident on her face she was scared
Poor thing! I was enjoying this,
Get to work! I screamed at her and grabbed my hair in frustration
Her expression was priceless, in five minutes she had picked up a denim jeans with the crazy style it was one of my favorite jeans she picked a matching top, I gave her a No No look
She then got me a baby pink Abaya of course when you are outta what to wear abaya got your back

A veil to match and threw it on my bed
"Now go and bathe.." she shooed me off
Before entering the bathroom I called Aishatu the house help to get Adyan refreshments and to tell mom he was here
I gave my body a quick scrub and shampoo my hair
I came out with a towel and my hair dripping
"I want to get ready in fifteen minutes can you help make that happen"
I asked Amani whom I still pretend to be upset with
She got up and gave me a bear hug not minding the fact that I was dripping
"I'm sorry lifeline, I had to deliver something on the way for mom I'm so so sorry" she pouted
I pushed her away gently and nodded
She took my Mac makeup kit and select the things she would need while I rubbed my lotion and quickly start drying my hair
In less than ten minutes I was done
"Do I really need this now" she nodded and ask me to sit
Why are we behaving so formal with each other now?
"Amy please very light" I pouted and she pull my cheeks and started her work
She gave me a very nude makeover and I looked perfect just the way I want
I gave her a hug and we went down together I was taking the steps when I saw Khalid sitting crossed legs with Adyan discussing god knows
"Asalam alaikum" Amani greeted and they both answer in unison
"Hey there lil sis" Khalid said with his thick British accent evident and I could swear I saw Amani drool
I know the interrogation session was about to start so I went to him with an awkward smile
"Adyan dear why haven't you two left yet? That was Ammi she really saved me cause I didn't know how I was going to explain anything to Khalid
"Ammi we were just leaving, Amani let's go" I said and hastily grab Amani's hands and leave the sitting room
"Your bro girl!! Omg"... Amani was about to start her own drool session so I quickly stopped her
"Yeah Laila said the same thing so shut up" she pouted and turn the other way from me
"Stop being a brat now, what do you want me to do" I said and hugged her she smiled and pushed me away she was about to say something when Mr. Ego came
"When you are done being all lovey doveyI'll be in the car" he said to my hearing his mint breath brushing my face and the sweet smell of his Chanel cologne hit my nose I felt shivers down my spine
What is Adyan doing to me?
I looked at Amani and she was smiling sheepishly at me
"We would drop you off let's go"
"No I brought my car it's outside let's talk when you come back" she said and winked at me
Seriously I'll be left alone with him
Arrrrrggggh I dragged my leg to his black Mercedes Benz and sat "inshallah" by Maher zain was playing on a low volume and so our quiet ride began I was chatting on my phone throughout the ride while Adyan hummed to Maher Zain's song from time to time
We reached "muffins and brownies"and he halted the car
I looked at him confused "i thought we were going to shifu? I asked
"Here is more quite I don't want noise"
Seriously I dragged my feet and amble into the beautiful eatery
The place was very serene and they was just one guy sitting alone at the far end enjoying a cup of coffee
He looked around Adyan's age I guess he wore shades and had a face cap and a hoodie over it
You can't see who it was no matter how much you try
The waiter came and we placed our orders
I ordered for chocolate cake and some strawberry cheesecake with a cream sundae
Yeah I have sweet tooth that's just me
Adyan didn't order anything just like the other day
But today he watched me keenly as I eat my chocolate cake
"Want some?" I ask getting uncomfortable with his stare, he only nodded in disapproval
I continue eating quietly but I could feel his gaze on me
"Okay seriously this is getting creepy why are you staring at me like that" I stormed
Ohh and guess what Mr disguise guy was also watching us with keen interest why can't people mind their business in this country even foreigners
I calmed down and gestured with my hand
"Do you like someone else?
He asked out of the blue making me to almost choke on my sundae
"Be honest... he added
I took a breath smiled then answered
"You mean boyfriend? He nodded looking into my eye
What's up with the look today?
"Well Nope, I've never been in any relationship my brother won't let that happen"
"Well what if he had let it?
I shrugged
"What about you? I asked
"Yeah once"
"Ohh" and I felt a little sad inside well why do I even care
"I know we don't know each other well and things are happening in a haze but I still think we should try to get along and know each other what do you think? He asked calmly as always
"Well yeah..." I stammered then pull my hands out for a shake
"Friends? I asked with a wide grin he shake my hands and repeated "friends" with a chuckle
"Well so what do you like to do the most.. like hobbies? I asked wondering if that's even the right thing to ask
He was quite for a few seconds then he answer
"I like to read, horse racing.... he went on and on
We get to know each other's personalities and also Adyan took photos of me I also got three of him and he looked so handsome, he told me about his secondary school days and his friends and about Laila
We had so much fun in each other's company and it was getting dark I agreed to follow home on a condition we would stop at ploutos to get ice cream and he gladly accept and so we went ice cream shopping for me I also picked some for Laila, Maimoona and Amani could share mine cause they was no way I could finish all those plastics of ice cream alone and even if I could they won't let me anyway
"You notice that guy kept staring at us in muffins and brownies" I asked
"Bet he found our date cute" Adyan winked melting my heart that would soon be frozen with ice cream soon
"Well I don't know... thank you this was the funniest day of the week" I said getting down from the car with my nylons of ice cream luckily the gardener came and help me carry it I said goodnight to Ady and left to the house it was almost magrib thank goodness Ammi got my back or I'd be skinned alive by Khalid
I went inside and met Maimoona and Ammi gisting in the parlor Maimoona got up I thought she was going to give me a hug but instead she went for the ice creams excitedly
"Oh my gosh soo many flavors!! What is this? Paradise in disguise?... she said like a child
"Yeah I'm home safely thank you" I said sarcastically and went to Ammi who was looking at me with amusement which I found creepy
"Ammi who knew Adyan could be this fun to be..." I told her all about our date as she listened with interest and Maimoona licked her ice cream hungrily as she also listened and gave dramatic comments now and then earning her a glare or a slap from me and laughter from my mom who scolded me about slapping my crazy cousin
"Ammi she's falling for him but she don't realize it"
"Ohh shut up what make you think that we are just friends" I said dramatically ferning hurt
Ammi just smiled as she go through her phone which I'm sure she's ordering some new home gadgets
" well be more than friends I heard you are getting married to him it won't be romantic keeping things on the friendship level for married couple" she wiggles her brow at me smiling mischievously and licking the last scoop she took
Honestly Maimoona is so shameless saying something like this in front of Ammi
We heard the table from the dinning making a noise and turn to see Khalid sitting there
Speaking of Khalid I've been avoiding him ever since he came back just so we don't discuss about Adyan
"Hey khal when did you get back home?" Maimoona said standing up to go to him and I also stood up
"I'm so tired I'll go change and come and meet you"
I said even though I knew I was lying
"Well okay I also need to talk to you so when you are done" Khalid said
Maimoona winked at me as I gave a bored look and drag my legs lazily to my room
I gave my body a warm and gentle scrub taking my time carefully did my night routines and prayed I was about leaving the room when my phone started beeping I took it from my handbag it was Adyan I could feel tingles in my body as I picked up the call
We talked for five minutes and I excused myself to go eat dinner
Adyan has become really cool from the past few hours and I must say he is not as bad as I thought he was
I went to the sitting room and Ammi was in my dads room whom I was informed returned when I was in my room Maimoona dragged Khalid to the garden thankfully so I took that as my cue to escape and I went to my dads room after which I retired for the day
It was such a long day I won't regret reliving again
I thought as I drift to a peaceful slumber

(Watch our for Adyan's pov😉)

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