Chapter 24; A Tour Around Shanghai

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Kaltoom's POV

The next morning immediately after Brunch which consisted of soy milk which I learnt from Adyan was called dou Jiang by the locals here and the mouth watering Spring onion flatbread I also tried the baozi and fried dumplings which were so crumptous . Let me clear everything up!

We all know we ain't Chinese and can't cook anything Chinese, My darling Adyan here who has been a sweetheart since this morning ( Note the sarcasm, cause he literally chase Laila and I out of bed saying he got things to do that evening).

We ate in a five star restaurant called Yongfoo Elite which by the way was my first favorite eatry cause their breakfast package was top notch and the place was cosy. Compliment of the weather which was chilly.

Next Afdal called and informed us that they were gonna join us along with his baby sis and SARA! Bad news alert! Well let's not jump into conclusions just yet I mean I haven't met this girl yet have I? No.

We've actually met his parents yesterday they came around in the evening without Afdal and his sister saying they went out together, catching up stuff they mentioned.

So currently we are at an ice cream store, yes ice cream in courtesy of Laila who blackmailed Adyan into letting us have Ice cream as we wait for the other crew to join us.

I forced Adyan into taking few scoops which Laila insisted I feed him while she takes pictures of us, Cliche! Laila for you.

So now she has taken at least twenty pictures of us fawning at how cute we looked making me a blushing mess and Adyan was all smiles I was afraid his cheeks may hurt.

"Wow! Couple Crush!" A deep yet enticing voice spoke and we all tilted our head in the direction of the voice our gaze landing on three individuals, Afdal without a doubt I've seen him before, Sara also seen her before clad in all her glory (I must confess, the girl would look perfect as a runway model) and......

And my gaze landed on the second girl,
If I didn't know that she was Afdal's sister I could have sworn she was Khalid's twin. I mean look at her the same well carved eyebrows and heavy eyelashes that I've always been jealous of cause mine were just long and her lips ... Nah, that pouty lips should be mine if she was ever my sister, so pinkish, full and plump, I didn't know I was checking her out untill Laila's ear piercing squeal fill the atmosphere and the next thing she has thrown herself at Afdal who surprised me cause I expected the guy to fall yet he was standing on his two feets.

"I'm not dead you know and clearly not invisible as well" Okay was someone immitating my voice? I did a quick check and realized it was the girl who was like a piece of scattered puzzle infront of me that spoke.

"My Afeeyah! How I've missed you!" Laila cooed and gave the girl whom I now know is Afeeyah a bone crushing hug.

"Yeah.. I could see it the moment I walked in here just how much you missed me, I mean I was the first person you welcomed" Afeeyah sassed again.

Okay now I know theres a hundred percent possiblity that this girl here might have been in an accident then loose alot of blood then her blood group was a rare type, then boom Khalid or Farouk appeared out of the blue and donated blood to her and that's how she now has our gene. I mean c'mon man! I'm not crazy that's just gotta be the only possible explanation.

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