Chapter sixteen(16) Texting

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After dropping Amani at her house, Kaltoom and Farouk head home.

She was tired after the long evening.. she didn't know what to make of how she felt about Adyan but she knew he was growing a soft spot in her heart, there's this connection she can't really tell but it's just there.

She pulled out the pink loafers she was wearing and threw it aside she was tired and so were her emotions, it's like getting addicted to something and letting it go.. but was she really addicted to Adyan? Of course not!
she's barely getting to know him

She slumped on the bed and pulled out her phone from the purse lazily, she didn't know where the energy came from but she found herself scrolling through her Snapchat.

She saw a video of Adyan she took while they were waiting for their ice cream package during the date Laila set up for them, he was paying to the cashier and she asked him to look at her he did and flashed her a broad smile.

No doubt, not even her stubborn heart could resist it, Adyan was a dream man.., and the close resemblance he and Laila shared was undeniably evident, they were beautiful people.

She forwarded it to him on WhatsApp, she wasn't expecting a reply so she switched off her data and slept off.


"Laila stop being a baby and come out, your breakfast would get cold" Khairiya scolded for the umpteenth time since that morning.

Laila has been so moody last night and today she refused to come down for breakfast

"Laila, dad is calling you now" Khairiya's voice came again after some few minutes before she stormed away.
Few minutes later she came down still in her pajamas with a puffy face.

"Have you been crying?youve got drool all over your face?" Khairiya joked suddenly worried about her sister

"No..., I'm so hungry where is dad? Wait did you tricked me to come down? She said narrowing her gaze on Khairiya who couldn't help the giggle that escaped her mouth.
Khairiya came and dragged her to the dining room and sat her down on the chair.
"Mom is out, she went to see a sick friend, dad is out too he went to work and he made me promise to take-good care of you"
Khairiya said smiling lovingly

"Of course" Laila rolled her eyes as Khairiya went to grab her laptop from the sitting room
"Yaya wants to FaceTime"
Laila's mood immediately brighten up she opened her breakfast Khairiya have made omelette and tea for her, her sister knew just what she needed!

The food was still steaming hot which means it was in the microwave it was an appetizer as the aroma made her stomach growl
"Hey there" came Adyan's voice from the screen of the laptop

"Yaya.... oh I missed you" she cooed and pouted
"I miss you more Laila, Khairiya how are you doing? He asked
Khairiya smiled and replied back
"So I got news that you have been moody since yesterday"... he said Laila started to fidget with her fork as she avoid eye contact tears brimming from the corner of her eyes

"I just missed you so much already, I'll be all alone once Khair goes back to Egypt dad is hardly at home, and mom can be annoying"... she pouted

"Don't let her hear you say that young lady " Khairiya warned

"I'll soon come back it's just four month and it'll be over before you even know it okay? He said reassuringly
"And enjoy your time with Khairiya before she lives, my PS5 is all yours for the meantime. you have school too, and your best friend Kaltoom?... he added
Laila nodded and she felt her spirit lifted at the mention of his game he hardly let her touch it

~ CONNECTED HEARTS~bykulsumWhere stories live. Discover now