CHAPTER 33 Relief

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Adyan's pov

It's been 2 days since the incident but it's still fresh on my mind never in my wildest thoughts did I ever thought that my little sister could be getting involved with anyone that has anything to do with that low life

Yes Zayn was a low life as a matter of fact the day the incident happen just before their Laila came.

I had to see Zayn that day but the guy told me he had a very tight schedule that I should come over even though the contract was more on his favour than ours

I was only doing this for dad otherwise I would have discarded this contract long ago, but you know our parents and connections... Zayn's Dad was his friend and according to him this was the first time they were into business together

And since it involved his son, Zayn and I  we have to make sure everything went smoothly.

I didn't mind going to Zayn's office
It's about business anyways

And if it works out there'd be Alot of gain
it wasn't such a big deal so after I was done with my meeting in my office I drove to his company only to see this dude with his secretary in his office

She was sitting on his lap and he was touching her body and looking at her lustfully it was such a disgusting sight

Zayn acted like he didn't knew I was around, he continued his disgusting act like he didn't felt my present I had to clear my throat only for the Secretary to get startled, which clearly meant he was aware I was there.

She got up and left immediately ashamed to share an eye contact with me
"Couldn't you take an excuse before coming into my office.. huh" Zayn had said

"Well you were too busy to hear my Salam and  I didn't have all day to wait for you to finish so I had to barge in"

He didn't look a bit remorseful not like I was expecting him to, I mean this is Zayn we are talking about expect worst.

I even try to preach to this guy about how wrong what he was doing was but being who he was he made it clear to me that it was none of my business and it was his life so I left him to alone regarding that matter and we started talking business.

We were in the middle of it when I felt the elevator stop only for me to turn around and see my sister my girlfriend and her best friend standing in front of me with zayn's brother.

Yes his brother I've seen them together, he had tagged along during few of our meetings as well

I don't care whether his brother was like him or was better than him all I know is that my sister wasn't going to have nothing to do with that family and that is a promise I've made myself

I have ceased her phone and I also grounded her I know mum won't do anything about it since Laila had sweet mouth her about how good the  Jalal guy was.... To make matters worse mum low-key knew Laila had a boyfriend

But her excuse was we can't choose a life partner for Laila we can only help her decide, indeed!

"She's not going to stay with us forever Adyan, she has to find someone she likes and settle down some day" mum had explain but I wasn't having any of it

Laila was still a child and she's innocent she doesn't really know what might harm her, I know I sound like an overprotective brother but we are talking about something that has to do with Zayn so cut me some slack.

Mum would not understand she had always given Layla what she wanted and this has made her spoilt but one thing was for sure immediately Dad comes back I'm going to talk to him about this as for Laila I made sure everyday I take her to school and bring her back home and if I couldn't do it I made the driver do it.

That Zayn was just bad news

As for Kaltoom we have spoken and she explain everything to me I understand it wasn't her fault or any of their fault including Laila she is just a child and she has been manipulated by Zayn's evil brother.

My patience was getting short so I called Dad yesterday in the night and I explained everything to him over the phone and he promised me he will sort out everything as soon as he was back.

Also knowing that Zayn will do anything to get what he wants in the few days I've spent with this guy I've gotten to understand what type of a person he was I didn't want him to harm Kaltoom or do anything stupid

And I knew I can't protect her from him  well enough so I also spoke to Dad again about us he promise everything will be sorted out once he was back and he promised me he will talk to her Dad as well
Besides time was going it's been 3 months already since we did the introduction (Gaisuwa).

So it was high time the wedding gets fixed dad has said.

After talking to dad i could say I was a bit relieved but I also talk to Khalid and thank God he understood me and he promised to keep an eye on Kaltoom

And to make sure that nothing goes wrong I was grateful for that, I and Khalid had something in common we were both overprotective of our sisters and we love them dearly and will do anything to protect them so I knew I could trust him.

Thinking about it all right now makes me a bit relieved I got off my bed and immediately my phone started to beep it was my dad

"As-salamu alaikum Dad"
"Walaikum assalam son" he replied from the other end

We exchanged pleasantries and he informed me that he will be coming back tomorrow inshallah I was more than happy and I felt as if a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

I came down and for the first time in three days I was smiling I met mum Khaireeya and Laila watching a Bollywood movie

It was titled Jawan!

Seeing that shahrukh Khan who was the hero I decided to join them

For some reason I feel like they were uncomfortable with me around but I didn't care
I kept getting weird looks from Khaireeya and mom, Laila didn't dare share eye contact.

I know they wanted me to tell them what was going on but I wasn't going to tell anybody until Dad comes home and he tells them what it was himself is not like they listen to me after all.

I don't even know what Dad has decided but I know he will make the best decision

"Come on you guys relax you don't expect me to keep been upset come on I'm I really that grumpy" I told them getting tired of being looked at like an alien

Mom gave me the "ain't you" look" before she continued watching

Laila facepalm and Khaireeya just shrugged
And that was how we continued watching the movie before I remembered that I have to go to see Kaltoom later today it was almost magrib so I got up and went back to my room to get ready for prayers before I leave for her home.

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