Chapter nineteen (19) Mrs muhammad

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Kaltoom's POV

I woke up only to be awestruck by the way the time has flew rapidly

How did I slept so much?

I wondered.. massaging my neck which was hurting due to the position in which I slept
It was almost three and I've been sleeping since quarter pass eleven.
What the heck did someone drug me?

I quickly rushed to the bathroom and came out with my ablution and prayed zuhr prayer which I've missed.

Once done I took my phone and sauntered out of the room I met Ammi and Khalid downstairs the tv was on but there were clearly not paying any heed to the program going on.

I gave Khalid a look then Ammi, he looks more like Ammi while I and Farouk look more like our dad except that I had Ammmi's eyes.

Why I'm I just observing that now? After all these years! Silly me, I gave my forehead a light slap and walked down the stairs.

"Asalamualaikum guys!
I greeted as I walked to the kitchen cause I was very hungry, I heard them reply and Ammi saying something about the house help.

"Ammi? I'm hungry" I said as I put on a face and sat down next to my mom

"There is couscous in the warmer...."

"Ammi you know I'm not a fan of that food..." I said pouting and giving Ammi the look she called "shagwaba face".

"I told you to stop making that shagwaba face right, why don't you grow up for Allah's sake, is this how I'd get you married?" Ammi ranted making Khalid to burst into laughter i gave him a glare and he raised his hands up in surrender and did an invisible zip up to his lips.

"Ammi but I'm very hungry I can't swallow that food" I complained once more, I'm not just being a baby but couscous was never my thing.
She only gave me a bored look

Seeing that my complains weren't to any avail I slide through my gowns pocket and dialed Laila's digits she picked almost immediately.

"Mey kuka dafa (what did you cook)? I asked her immediately she picked up

"Oh my gosh I'm coming over tell mom I said she should reserve my own for me" I said gleefully and hang up

Ammi gave me the "are you serious look,

"Come on mother, you ain't gonna stop me" I said and quickly got up laughing on the way

"You may not understand this now, but you are shameless that house in some days may be your in-laws home and here you are behaving like it was some random home" Ammi lectured

I stare at Khalid who was getting up to leave he was clad in a Chanel pants and another brand of designer T-shirt's sometimes I wonder why Khalid chose to be an architect instead of a male model he was trying his best to put on a straight face.

"Ammi whatever okay! I'm hungry" I said feigning tiredness

"Then why don't you go to the kitchen and just cook. Allahuma yahdiiki (May Allah bring you to the right path) before you leave meet me in the kitchen so you can deliver something to Muhammad's mom"

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