CHAPTER 30 Confession worth a lifetime

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If you haven't noticed... I'd say you re-read the last chapter I wrote it so well but wattpad decided to cut it into two... I forget most of the things I wrote buy I filled up a bit

Happy reading

Adyan's pov

Work has been really hectic these days I've tried to reach Kaltoom later that day but she didn't pick, maybe she was too upset to talk.

I've decided to go to her house the following day to explain everything to her but the next day had a different plan of itself for me.

I woke up to a problem in the office, not surprising cause there's this new guy in the market who's trying to make things hard for me .

Dad had specifically told me to make sure the deal with this Zayn guy was done, at first he was nice during the first meeting but he has turn into a completely different version of himself the next day when we spoke the next day. It was like he was hypnotized or something.

I know it's a big business deal and we could both achieve greatly from it, but why was he making so many demands and making things difficult, such a pain in the neck!

I had a meeting so I was getting ready and yes it was with this Zayn.

I even skip breakfast, I was only being nice because the deal meant so much to my dad otherwise I won't be tolerating him.

The guy was late for the meeting, so classy!
After the annoying meeting I came out with a migraine and I was about to have some alone time when Sara's call came in, I'm glad she called cause she helped me calm down. We discuss and filled each other on our lives before I hung up to go eat something.

I can't wait for this deal to be over or I'd loose my mind.


Kaltoom's pov

So today has been hell boring, shark week was here and there was no way I'm going to school.

But I kind of regretting the decision, Ammi's not home she went to a friend's house to congratulate her on the arrival of he first grandchild not after rubbing it on my face that the girl was my mate, Ammi could be so dramatic she wanted me to come but I was having cramps and was better off at home,Farouk is never at home these days count him out, Abee was out of the country too for a business trip.

So it was just I and Aishatu, who was too busy in the kitchen sanitating the store room was fast forward I was all to myself cuddled up in a dolphin blanket Farouk got for me it was so cozy and soft.

I swapped through almost all the channels but the was nothing interesting to watch.

Amani and Laila were probably still In class so I couldn't call them,

I opened the pink app and started watching some reels but it didn't take a minute before I got tired of scrolling no words could describe how bored I was.

I easily got bored.

I decided to call Adyan, he was my only option I thought about it and finally dialed his number it was like he was waiting for me to call cause he picked almost immediately

It was akward at first untill he decided to talk about why we were been so awkward with each other.

"You shouldn't be upset about Humaira she's merely someone I know by chance" he spoke off guard

Since he was been straight forward I decided to go with the flow

"Soon I'd recieve an invitation card with your name and hers" what the hell did I just said I mentally smacked myself ... Well blame it on period and now I was getting teary!

No Kaltoom you ain't embarrassing us like this!

The was silent before he spoke, I didn't want him to I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.

"Or she could recieve one with our names on it..." He said ever so calmly

This dudeeeee.....

I was speechless

" But i can't get married to you by force now can I ? You don't even love me, you treat me like a friend and nothing more, I was actually expecting more when we return from china... You know after I expressed myself, I've been holding myself, you think it was a joke when I said I loved you?...

Alright I'm dumbfounded this guy is something! His words were piercing through my heart into my soul I could feel everything he said.... Maybe this is the wrong time of the month to be. Having this conversation, it was the last sentence that really got me, did he really meant it.

" Do you mean what you said just now?" I asked for confirmation

"Of course I love you Kaltoom, I need you and I don't want to rush this take all your time but I need you to love me back... I'd be waiting until the day you finally admit that you love me too and untill then no girl would have a place in my heart " he was talking about Humaira right I thought

"And just to prove it to you I'd ask My dad to meet with yours so they can finalize things I want you to belong to me soon... I really need you".  He said

Adyan was really doing things to me right now.

"But of course with your permission, trust me you won't regret this... I could give you time to think about it if you want....

I didn't even let home finish the sentence

"Adyan you can ask your dad to meet Abee." I said surprising myself, wow Kaltoom Wow!! Is this actually you.

How could I say no to him I really liked him that day when I saw him with Humaira I felt a pain I've never felt, fineeee it was jealousy, I couldn't let her have him, she's sly and the way she looked at him there was so much to it... This time she won't have her way

Thinking like that I become more determined I'd become Mrs Adyan Salman before she could do anything

"Adyan I also like you Alot okay! And I realize that I do every day and I would love it for you to meet Abee so he could get us married" I said ever so hopelessly

I could hear him sigh with realive

"I love you Kaltoom, I love you so very much" he said with that voice that did things to my body and soul.

I hugged my phone with a big smile like I've made the biggest achievement of my life..

I can't believe being bored could pay off like this!

Hello there lovelies
Let me know what you think about the chapter

~ CONNECTED HEARTS~bykulsumWhere stories live. Discover now