Chapter 25 Dinner by the pool

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Adyans pov

Finally today is the big day..
The day I'd finally graduate out of university... It's been a rollercoaster ride all along but all praises due to Allah I'm done .

Last night Afdal and I had a long talk and to cut everything short that dude convinced me into or should I said blackmailed me into proposing to Kaltoom.

Cause according to him this was the perfect timing and he said I could trust him with everything he'll handle it that is the arrangements because according to"James Bond" here he'll make arrangements for the proposal and it would be the most romantic thing I've experienced all I gotta do is learn some few mind capturing lines.

I wasn't going for anything too cliche , I would propose to Kaltoom before the end of today and that I will.

We all got ready and headed for the graduation which was taking place in the enormous school hall.

Kaltoom looks exceptionally beautiful today, her makeup was as light as the one she wore on our first date, and she and Laila wore a matching English skirt and blouse.

Her skirt was pink a high waist I think with a with cute blouse and her hijab was beautifully made while Laila's skirt was light green.

I almost couldn't stop staring at her.

I have a chance to halfway make her mine this day and I was going to do that.

Mom came out and handed a small jewelry box to them and they opened it and squealed.

It was a fine silver necklace and a marching bracelet.

They wore it and we went out to the car. Dad was driving with the girls and mom .
While I was to go on my own..

Just great!!

We reached the venue and met everyone. Afdal and his family were already there .

It was a grand affair as you could see different people from around the world all around. Congratulations were received, million of pictures taken, the hugs the handshakes, the food the snacks, the laughter and everything.

Sara and her mom were with our family all along all smiles. The woman was very welcoming.

We collected our certificate and I've never seen dad more proud of mom either she literally almost cried... Tears of joy!

'Adyy my boy you did it! She said with moist eyes and a hug .

We had a party later that night and so Afdal told me about his plans.

I was to bring my date which would be Kaltoom ofcourse. After the party goes mid way bring her outside to the pool which he has VIPeed and reserve for us, this guy's crazy!

So that evening after we got home , everyone was so tired ,Mom announced we were leaving for Niger the following day .


I didn't have time to whine, so I just left for my room took a nice shower and decided to rest before the party which would begin by eight.

I was done and was going to lie for a while when I remembered that I haven't told Kaltoom she would be escorting me to the Prom.

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