Chapter four (4) a rainy day

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,,,,,don't despair and never lose hope🥰

It's been three days since the incident and the two haven't crossed path again.

Kaltoom was concentrating on her studies and she was doing well but half of her attention was on mr ego yes that's what she's named Adyan she wanted to teach him a lesson for leaving her stranded at the hospital the other day

It was a Thursday and the lecturer wasn't coming for his lectures and the message has been passed to the waiting students so everyone made to leave.

Kaltoom came out and stood near the garden to give her friend Amani a call who happens to be absent without any good reason or informing her friend
"idiot where on earth are you right now " kaltoom asked
As soon as she accepted the call "you are so unbelievable remember yesterday I told you I won't be in school early cause I'll be escorting ya salman to the station well I'm on my way now just tell me where you are...
and is the lectures on already ? She said in one breath "
easy the lecture is been canceled and come pick me up so we can hang out abit before I go home " kaltoom said

"oh okay then I'll be there in twenty "

" twenty!!!!!! Can't you see how bad the weather is it can start dropping anytime soon I'm not with my car pls don't do this to me how far are you? She asked like a child desperately in need of something

"I'm at tudun wada I'll be there before you know it chilax okay?
She didn't allow kaltoom utter another word as she hanged up the phone

"arrrggggggghhhhh... I'll kill this girl if I get drained under this storm...
kaltoom uttered underneath her breath

Adyan was driving and humming to Justin Bieber's ghost
halfway through the traffic it started to pour he was almost at the kaduna state university and turning back would be a bad idea so he drove slowly and went on he has to pick up something quick there...

Just as he was making it to leave the school he saw a familiar figure he could swear he had seen her somewhere before although he couldn't see properly through the rain it was now pouring heavily and the thought of leaving that helpless figure in this condition couldn't settle in his mind besides once the rain was over cycles would be scarce so he took a turn and made it to the shelter were the figure was standing
he wind down his glass to say hi and behold there she stood looking as breathtaking as ever shivering due to the cold without a thought she ran into the car and jammed the door close
" Amy am so killing you today look what you've done to me...
she trailed off and their eyes met "what???what the heck?she stumbled on her words

"it looks like you don't see properly when it's raining... it's people like you that get easily kidnapped or perhaps you have a habit of jumping into strangers and causing trouble "
he said arrogantly recalling the previous days

"oh please don't judge me what were you doing here in the first place?(oh god that's the silliest thing to ask) "you don't own this land and yes I could be any way I wanna be so mind you...

he was right and this time she just looked away and roll her eyes as she wipes her face with a baby pink handkerchief that she pulled out from her bag..

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