Chapter 29 Someone's jelly

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Yesterday was quite a day after spending half of the evening with my "fiancee" you heard me right!

So let me explain after coming back home, my dad had already made me the CEO of the Salman's group, things have been extremely hectic, Adjusting has been the worst of all, although alhamdulilah now I'm getting used to everything I'm grateful to dad who has been considerate enough to still stick around while I get used to the office.

Back to the fiancee thingy... Kaltoom is no longer who she was to me a while back, I find her really captivating and
Like I've told her already I'm in love with her,yes I am!

I've never felt this way in a long time,
Once I've thought I was in love with Humaira, but everything has changed ever since I started to know Kaltoom.

There was just something about her that made me clueless, she was charming too and in all aspects she was beautiful, the brat side still shows sometimes old habits die hard, but even that seems to captivate me she's a spoilt brat in a cute way.

Since I've already proposed to her back in China I've decided to make things official and tie the knot soon,
Once we were both very comfortable with each other cause I feel she still needs time to process everything.

I've already apologize for the few days I made her felt like I ignored her though it wasn't so easy, She was indeed a child stuck in the body of an adult, and simple tricks did the work.

I promised to visit her after every one day and she wasn't letting me off the hook so quick.

I had to get rose flowers everytime I came and also call her before she goes to bed every night all to compensate for the two weeks.

She was so innocent, Laila would have demand a designer set or worst in her place, Now that I think about Laila I wonder who is more childish, and also I have to go pick her up from    school and take her to Uncle .

Just as I was waiting for Laila to come meet me cause I've already called her I noticed a familiar face, it was Humaira!

She was waving at me gently the car wasn't tinted so she could see me clearly.
Having no option but to go say hi I walked towards her nothing about her has changed as far as I can see.. I bet she's long gotten married now it's almost a year already or is it?

After greetings I asked how she was and that was how I learnt she didn't got married yet, wow! The wedding was called off and she didn't tell me why which I appreciated.

"Can I have your number now, I lost my contacts" Humaira said

She handed her phone and I was about typing when I caught sight of Laila and Kaltoom who had a questioning look on her face.

"Don't worry I'll just call you I still have your digits..."
I said giving back the phone

"Oh look who's here.. The amazing Humaira" Laila said dramatically with fake smiles

"Do you know her? Humaira asked but before I could speak Laila answered

"Of course he does, I'm his sister don't you see the resemblance and for your kind Information his her fiancee stay off" Laila sparked at her
Meanwhile Kaltoom had already left and was driving out of the place Laila pulled my hands away and dragged me to the car .

"Ya, you need to stay away from that girl she's no good" Laila warned

Laila don't usually like Alot of people so I just ignore her and drove away .

"And you've upsetted my best friend Ya Ady " she pouted that was just what was on my mind Kaltoom left angrily I just hope she's okay I wanted to call her immediately but decided against it. I'll handle her later.

Wait was she jealous! I suddenly felt excited Kaltoom is jealous because of me! This is a good one . I'm glad I met humaira.

I just hope she shouldn't become a problem between me and Kaltoom, I mean we are getting somewhere after all..


So Laila have decided to give me the silent treatment ever since we came home to bad for her I was too busy to even acknowledge... Well here's how I found out....

So I just freshned up after Dinner and was thinking to myself in my room when my door went ajar and behold the dramatic queen was standing with her hands akimbo.

I arched her a brow which she knew what it meant.

She wasn't going to reply so I ignored her got up and took a bottle of water from the fridge and sat back down and took my phone, as far as I know Laila she'd spill out whatever it was that brought her here.

"Ya Ady... I'm so not ever talking to you" she finally blurt after I've almost forgotten she was there.

"Well that cause for a celebration.. right?" I said nonchalantly

"Ya, I'm not joking... You still haven't called Kaltoom and apologized"

Okay now I'm confused so why should I apologized I asked her and she began to rant about how a guy should treat his girlfriend blablabla..... Untill Khaireeya saved me and called .

I have no idea how a single kid like Laila is here giving me lectures about relationships and I'm listening.

We had a chat with Khaireeya and she reported me to her and surprisenly Khaireeya backed her up. Seriously?

After our call Laila called Kaltoom herself and left me alone to talk. Which I was so glad she did.

I tried to explain myself to Kaltoom but she won't listen she just kept giving me attitude and behaving like she was okay I really don't know how to handle girls at all....

I tried to convinced her but she wasn't having any of it so I let her be.

I was left wondering how Thee Kaltoom was upset more like jealous of me talking to another girl, is she finally reciprocating my feelings towards her?

I was confused.... And so I drift off to sleep a confused man.

Girls are so complicated!


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