Chapter fifteen (15) goodbyes

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"Ya Ady your flight would take off In four hours..." Laila spilled the obvious earning her a bored look from Adyan who was driving with his attention on the road
"What's next on the list?" He asked clearly not interested in the flight talk, it was not like he was eager to live anyway

"Ohh don't be so boring.. lemme see we just need to pick up moms fruit as promised and we are done" she said scrolling on her phone
They have been out since morning doing all the things In Lailas wish list with her brother even though Khairiya was also tagging along

"Don't you think we should call Kaltoom so you guys can talk a little I mean you are leaving today.." she said with a mischievous smirk on her face
"She'll be there for the departure no need to disturb her "
Adyan responded with the same mischievous smirk

"And she didn't care to tell me.. and you too ya.. khair did you know? Khairiya just glared at her

"Quite blabbing... yaya can we stop at Yogohamy please? I want some of their creamy yoghurt"
Khairiya pouted

"I don't have much time I can't miss my flight"

"And ice cream yaya please we wouldn't waste your time pinky promise" Laila pouted

"Fine five minutes... wait what happened to the ice cream we bought..,"  He asked as he park
Before he could say anymore they both sprint out

Seven minutes later they came back with nylons loaded with ice cream and the place logo on it

"See we are all done" Laila said and hand him his credit card with a wide grin as she adjust her sitting Position Adyan was on a phone call so he just used his head to answer her

"Yeah I'll be back before you know it just keep anticipating"

Laila looked at him questioningly cause for all she know it couldn't be Kaltoom and he doesn't have any girlfriends so she was curious

He hanged up and explain that it was his close friend back at school she was an Ethiopian and among the few Africans you'd find in his college, they also learned that she was a Muslim and her name was Sara
"Well she should stay within her limits whatsoever"

Laila said clearly not interested in the talk about Sara. Adyan arched a confused brow at her but she didn't say anymore.

they arrived in front of a vegetable store and Adyan went down Khairiya followed suit while Laila just sat in the car And waited.

Immediately they went out the said Sara called back
At first Laila thought to go give Adyan the phone but quickly decided against it and instead she picked up it was a video call... so much guts this "Sara" girl had she thought

"He-ya" came Sara's voice
She was really cute she Was Ethiopian no doubt with her medicated glass giving her the nerd look

"Hi Adyan is out you don't mind calling later do you?"
The girl studied her and then a smile crept up her cute face
"You must be Laila.. Muhammad's sister"
She said gleefully
Laila couldn't help rolling her eyes for the umpteenth time since she picked the video call

"Nah, I'm his mom" Laila muttered under her breath then covered it up with a smile and nod yes

"I'm Sara.. can you tell him I called?
She said adjusting her glasses

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