Chapter eighteen(18) other woman vibe

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                             I've missed you so much"
I've missed you more sweetheart"..she gave Muhammad a tight affectionate hug, she placed her head on his chest with her eyes closed inhaling the sweet smell of his perfume which seems to be messing with her head, she opened her eyes and looked up at Muhammad's face she pulled away gently and shyly then turned away... Muhammad turned her around as he looked deeply into her innocent eyes which were filled with anything but love for the man in front of her before she could put her thoughts into place he pulled her face up to his and gently smacked his soft lips on hers...

Sara almost screamed her lungs out as she woke up disheveled and beads of sweat forming on her forehead despite the air conditioning. Her long chocolate hair was everywhere but her face.

"What a nightmare !... she exclaimed suddenly feeling angry she pulled away the duvet she was using to cover half of herself and got up and went to her kitchen which was magnificently adorned in purple and black. She opened the fridge and took a bottle of water she drank half of it, that dream has ruined her mood And sleep. she dropped the rest of the content of the bottle on the counter and left the kitchen it was quarter pass three in the morning and all the sleep has run off from her eye.

She sighed for the umpteenth time and sat on the cushion she took a blanket and covered herself.

She began to think very deeply there was no doubt her instincts were correct and she wasn't ready to back off just like that,not without a fight.

What she saw in her dream was really disturbing, she couldn't imagine Muhammed being with another woman that is not herself.

She had been nurturing Muhammad's love since the first day she set her eyes on him, luck had been on her side as she got the chance to befriend him through Afdal. It haven't been quite easy because Muhammed has built strong walls around himself for no good reason she could point out.

He was quite reserved and his looks were to die for.

She had planned to express how she felt about him at the right time but she couldn't get the opportunity.
Since he left for Nigeria she decided immediately he comes back she would tell him and ask him to marry her.
She has never felt the way she felt about him about any man and since his return he has been slipping off her finger gradually.

She felt more determined to make him hers by any means and whatever it takes or her name wasn't Saratou As-shafi'i.


"Morning queen of the house! Can you please wake up!" Kaltoom said caressing Maimoona's face in a playful manner.

"What is it Kal?... she said in her sleepish voice

"Ohhh so you know I'm here for a reason?"

"Yeah I do, these days you never find me unless you are bored" Maimoona replied in an irritated manner and used the blanket to cover her self properly as she snuggled into her pillow.

"Haba aunty Maimoona..." Kaltoom cooed

"Ohh please! Since when did I become your aunty"

"Don't pretend you don't know..... Kaltoom said as she grab Maimoona's earplugs

"Drop them... okay seriously what is it?... Maimoona said as she sat up and grabbed her earplugs from Kaltoom

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