Chapter five(6)A clash

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...May the will of Allah be done....

"Ya ady you know your break would soon be over and you'd move back to your planet filled with red people with tiny eyes right?
Khairiya joked making Adyan gave her a look and before he could utter a word his mom added
"yes that reminds me your dad said to ask if you'd need anything in advance so I can tell him" she said munching on her chips
"ya ady also you'd take me to the mall like you promised before you leave please" Laila' chirped in giving a puppy eye
"you guys can just say you are tired of my stay here and I'll leave besides I still have like three weeks to go" he said ferning hurt
"oh cmon Yaya we are going to miss you that's why we are worried you'll soon go"
Laila said like the sweet girl she was and giggled mischievously at the end
"maybe you should get a wife that way we won't miss you too much" khairiya spoke
"besides you are matured enough for one you are 26 fah Yaya" Laila concluded earning a nod of agreement from their mom
"since when did I start receiving lectures about marriage from you two and did I tell you I forgot my age? Both of you your mates are getting married with kids you do the same" he fired back
"now you are been so mean Yaya besides you are not getting any younger fah"
Laila said with a pout and Adyan stood up to get her but she was lucky their dad just came in so she hid behind him
"Muhammad you want to touch my auta right? Their father asked with a chuckle Adyan just smiled and greet their father the family chatted happily "ya I'm going jogging later would you join me? Laila asked
"I guess if i don't have anything to do why would you go jogging in the evening when you had the morning and the relaxing breeze? He asked nonchalantly
"well you see the evening is much more better besides they ain't much people around during the evening" she replied as she typed in her phone
"ok then is khairi going to join? He asked even though he knew she was going to say no
"No that's not my thing you know.. she stated just as expected and Laila laughed mischievously "that's why you keep gaining weight" she added with a laughter and khairiya just rolled her eye cause she doesn't like to argue too much she wasn't a girl of too many words and she prefers being to her self and keeping everything low key while Laila is the total opposite fun loving talkative and In short extroverted and Adyan was in between the two "nidae kam im going jogging slash showing of my Arabian Chinese bro to the world later so before then see y'all I'll get some sleep someone wake me up when lunch is ready... Laila sing sang as she went upstairs and khairiya followed her while Adyan went to his part leaving their parents in the parlor who continued to discuss.

Kaltoom was neatly dressed in a dark purple adidas tracksuit and her feet's where clad in a marching snickers she wore a black veil to cover her head then wore her apple headphones around her neck "

bro I'm ready!
she shouted as she ran downstairs
she was going jogging with Farouk who came back two days ago
their mom who was sitting in the sitting room watching a cooking show looked up and gave kaltoom a glare
"when would you grow up for god sake look how you are shouting around like a child" she said with disappointment kaltoom was about to say something when Farouk came out looking so dreamy and signal for her to come they said goodbye to their mom and sprint out

"bro we are going to the park then we would take a ride back home right? Kaltoom asked "you are so lazy is that how you are planning to stay fit? He joked

"lazy is a strong word bro let's just see how far I can go then"

she said with a pout making Farouk smiled and tap her on the shoulder
"Inbarigima ba ma" Mrs Kabir said and shake her head
instead of jogging they decided to just walk as they chat sweetly through the street only very few people were spotted on the way the street was empty as it was a Sunday.

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