Chapter 22-Love and Surprise!

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Adyan's POV

I got a call from mom saying they would be boarding the first flight to China the following day.

I was so excited, it's been four month that felt like hell(just exaggerating,but seriously). I miss them so much...They were all coming except Khairiya who had started her final exams and won't be able to make it here.

I'd miss her being around but I'll have plenty of time to make up for that once I fly back HOME! She was the most sensible one, she may be quite but she's very fun to be with and technically my human diary I could tell Khairiya everything and she would give me the best advice she was a lot like mom.

Everything felt so surreal.
It was just like yesterday when my dad informed me about my studies which would commence in China.  Dad did a lot for me especially during that time it wasn't easy securing that opportunity for me and that's why I vowed to make him proud and alhamdulilah since I began my studies I've been doing great.

Dad has always wanted me to grow and run the family business when he retires, being the first and only male child he had always done everything in his power to see that I grew to be what he wanted me to be but even as a child I had always been better with construction, designing and calculation as a result making me want to be an engineer.

He never wanted to go against my dreams that's why he let me study in my field of interest.

He had promised to let me study engineering even though I also had to promise to take  over the business.
I would keep my promise but I won't let everything I worked hard for go to waste.I love my dad dearly and I won't ever let him down.

Afdal's Mah and daddy would also be tagging along with his annoying adopted sister.

Yeah Afdal has an adopted sister, she's an Arabian from Egypt her name's Afeeyah and was adopted at twelve by Mah when she learnt she couldn't conceive again after an accident, story for another day.

I've never liked the girl one bit. Mah has spoilt her to the core and she's the reason why I had a bad impression of Kaltoom at first. They had so much in Common and if Afeeyah wasn't adopted in Egypt I would have sworn she was Kaltoom's sister, and their looks too.

Sara's Mom would also be around and a friend she mentioned. All in all it was gonna be a big event, like all three of us having our family around! Pure bliss!!

Sara is over excited, prior to her mood yesterday.

Right now we are helping Sara shop for her mini family get together which we were warmly invited. I was so tired except for Afdal whom I bet didn't mind, that guys wife is one lucky woman I must admit.

She was making some Ethiopian dish which he was gladly gonna help her out with and I would be napping till they are done. Sara's mom would be arriving in six hours time and the girl was too happy.
Can't blame her.

I decided to call Kaltoom and chit chat the last time I heard from her was yesterday, we chatted but then her voice!

She wasn't picking and five minutes later a text popped in my phone.
Hey sorry I'll get back to you later

I sent her an Okay take your time and drift to sleep.

~ CONNECTED HEARTS~bykulsumWhere stories live. Discover now