Ch 4

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"so... This is the thing you went to pick.??" Lee chan asked gaeul, eyeing yeon seon.
"Saftey bro! " gaeul said pushing chan who was blocking the way aside and getting in with yeon seon.
"haha! It's not like I can't handle two girls" Lee chan said smirking.

Yeon seon turned facing him "Then try!" she said massaging her knuckles and giving him a death glare.
Lee chan gulped.
"haha I was just kidding. I'm really a good boy! . Right gaeul!?" he said giggling. Gaeul didn't reply she just looked around the house. He eyed gaeul and gestured her to say something  so that he can save his ass.

"seon-ah! Save that for later. I guess he won't try anything funny." gaeul said glaring at lee chan. "now we can start doing our project right.?" she added. He nodded and lead her to the study.

While the both were busy with their project yeon seon trolled the house.
"You really have one big ass house" she said entering the study.
"not mine but my parents" he said looking up from his laptop.
"what's the difference though." she said sitting on the couch near the window.

"I think you are an self reliant person. Why?are you not in good terms with your parents?" gaeul said diverting her gaze from her project now looking straight at  Chan .
He nodded
"they both are businessperson and workaholic. They least care about what I'm doing but still they made sure I get everything, you know materialistic things. They were always flying abroad for business trips and now too. So I don't have much of an connection with them. " he said a faint smile on his face but the sorrow in his eyes were still evident.
Gaeul felt bad for him 'is this what hiding behind his smile everyday.' she thought.

"you don't have to feel sorry about me. I really don't care about that anyway" he smiled. But she know he wasn't.

"By the way why is your house so close to the woods. Its kinda scary "yeon seon said seeing the dark deep forest through the window.
" I actually thought that's cool to have a house beside a forest" he said a proud smile plastered in his face.

"whatever... I'm hungry do you both want anything?" yeon seon got on her heel to head to the kitchen when they heard a loud thump from outside.
Gaeul and chan stood up and ran to the window to see what it is but nothing was visible from there.
"maybe it came from the back yard. Let's go and check." chan said. Both the girls nodded and tailed behind him.

It's was so dark in the backyard the only source of light is the moon.
"yaah! Lee chan! Aren't you a rich son can't you even put a light bulb here. Are you that thrifty." yeon seon yelled from behind Lee chan.

"I thought that's cool too"

"What? You rich son of—  gaeul cut yeon seon off by pulling her hand.
" I bought my mobile with me ill turn on the torch "gaeul turned on the torch. Chan got the phone from her and led the way.
" something is there. I saw something there " gaeul pointed at something below the big compound.
They got near that thing." what if it is some animal from the woods? "yeon seon asked.
" it's someone "chan said. He showed the torch at that thing.
" what? "gaeul went ahead and checked that person." it's a girl "she said." and she has wounds all over her body "she added.
" then let's get her in. Yaah! Lee chan what are you staring at? Take her In." yeon seon said pushing Lee chan to the front. Chan hesitated a bit but after seeing that both the girls staring at him he carried her inside the house.


King Suichen was staring at the dark sky of Attaca . A cocky grin creeped in his face as he thinks that the sky reflects him that's when he suddenly felt a presence behind him.
"Any good news general? "he asked without even looking back. The general gulped he didn't utter a word, sweat dropped from his forehead.

" I guess it's not a good news by seeing how you are silent " King suichen turned to see the general. He raised his hand the general fly over to him he caught the general's neck and lifted him up by his neck.
"I warned you already didn't I? . You have to find her no matter what!" the general nodded still in his grip. "then why are you taking this long to find a mear girl?"  He yelled, his grip in general's neck tightened.
"we... We actually plotted her location bu... but she escaped." the general said. King suichen retracted his hand from the general's neck making the general fell to the ground. The general breathed heavily.
"Elaborate! " the king said eyeing the general on the ground. The general stood up dusting his dress.
"as I already said we plotted her location and sent our man's to get her but somehow she managed to escape from them. But I have sent many of our man's this time. I'm sure they will get her." he said

"Where in the universe is she? "the king said turning back to look at the sky.

" Earth!".



It's only been few days after I left Attaca. But the sky has become more darker than before. I was walking in the silent forest of  Dacon, into the direction of our hideout. I wished that the other members where safe and that no problem popped out while I was away.
Suddenly something came out from the Bush tackling me to the ground. I took out my pocket knife to stab it but soon after I realised what it is I retracted my hand.
"yaah Hoshi! Get off from me" I said pushing it out of me.
Hoshi fell few feet away. He got up and transformed from his tiger form to human. I stood up and dusted my pants.
"hyung! You came back! I really missed you" hoshi said running to me and was about to tackle me into a hug.
"Care to explain why are you roaming out at this hour!? "I stopped him and asked. He blinked twice and back off two steps and said " Jeonghan hyung asked to hunt some wild rabbit for dinner "

" Then If you are done hunting let's go" I said and started walking.

"Hyung! Wait! "he ran over to me.

We both walked into the forest for about half an hour. We finally reached the manhole. hoshi jumped into the manhole first then I jumped in.  It felt home after entering the hideout. 'home'  but still I wonder is it a right term to call it a home.

" Hyung! Jeonghan hyung! Come out and see who came! "hoshi yelled soon after he entered inside

" YAAH! HOSHI! what the heck were you doing all these time? were are the wild rabbits I asked you to get?!" Jeonghan came out from from the kitchen with a frying pan in his hand. He was about to knock hoshi with it when his eyes shifted to me.

"Coups?"   he dropped the frying pan in his hand which perfectly landed on hoshi's foot.

Hoshi cried out loud in pain.
Jeonghan pushed hoshi away and came to me his gaze shifted searching something behind me then again shifted to me.

"let's talk. "

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