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Attaca was an beautiful planet, it is known for its beautiful red sky. Its an planet with peace and eternal Lightening cities. People were wealthy from heart and soul.
Attacans lead an life of harmony without any discrimination. Attaca was filled with peace and happiness under the rule of the king Lucas. King Lucas was strong and fierce and a man of his words. He was kind and thoughtful to his people. Attacans showered their love at him. He was aided by the council of thirteen magicals who where appointed to the main cities and overviewed its activities. The thirteen magicals are the greatest magicians in all over Attaca there power is something king Lucas even afraid of.  But above everything the really reason for the serenity of Attaca was The Ruby.
It's an gem with the power of the five elements of the universe. It's was personally handcrafted by King lucifer himself.  The gem was handed over to the late King of Attaca to safeguard it. It became an heirloom and passed on by generations and now it was guarded by King LucasEveryone who tried to lay their hands on Ruby out of greed seeked death. But never did king Lucas imagined his most trusted best friend to betray him.
Suichen, the only soul king Lucas trusted, a long lasted friend who shares his ups and downs with. Suichen was an hardworking soldier of Attaca until his greed for the throne take over him. He practiced dark magic behind his friend King Lucas's back and formed an army of his own. His long term plan has finally succeed and king Lucas was defeated to death. Attaca was conquered by suichen, but before he get to the Ruby it was broken into five parts and shattered across the world by the council of thirteen magicals.
It triggered him insanely and the thirteen magicians were killed brutally. As the Ruby got shattered, the peace in attaca shattered into pieces too.
Attaca faced it's worst after suichen took over the throne. The only way to bring back the peace is by reuniting the Ruby.
After so many years a group of courageous youth  showed up with an determination of saving their world from the ruthless King. Their journey in finding back the shattered pieces and reuniting the Ruby is something quite challenging in this Ethereal world.

Ethereal World //Seventeen ffWhere stories live. Discover now