Ch 29

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The cold air brushed my hair. The night was chill more than usual. Maybe because this place is situated close to sea. We all have moved to the place of the two weird mans who came out of nowhere and strangely there are many like them here. They call each other as brothers they may or may not be blood related considering their striking visuals. After we got here krixi, scoups, Jeonghan and Joshua disappeared with the new guys we have met. I wonder what they are doing while leaving us here.

" isn't that right Gaeul ?" Yeonseon's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked at her and gave a 'I don't know what you where talking about' look " huh ?"

She sighed before explaining " so we were talking about these boys counterparts who we may have met in our planet." She said and I nodded and she continued " and i said that we have seen someone who looked like Mingyu."

" Really? We have seen? I asked not sure.

" what?don't you remember the billboard overlooking the Han River bridge. The model in that commercial looks exactly like him." Yeonseon said her eyes almost popping out while shaking me hard.

"Oh I do remember. It's that undergarment AD for that famous brand right?" Chan said. His face brightened and he gave a toothy grin to Mingyu who was...blushing?

" that's right. Exactly that's what I'm talking about.i know from the moment I saw you. You were way too familiar " Yeonseon let go of my shoulder turning to chan and then Mingyu " Gosh you were hot."  Her words made him blush even more hard.

A series of laughers were heard. I can find Dk's clearly between them.
" what ?underwear?" 
Hoshi clapped his thigh and leaned backwards nearly falling back while laughing.

I saw Mingyu looking at me from the other side of the campfire. Now i wonder whether his cheeks turned red because of the heat.  As if he realised he was staring at me for too long he looked at away.
" stop teasing him." I said to the boys who were still laughing.
" yeah who knows some of you guys might be a stripper or a con man too." Chan said.
" what is a stripper?" The8 asked with a pouty face.
" oh you guys don't know. Basically stripping is removing your clothes while dancing for the audience." Yeonseon explains.
"What the hell! They dance naked?" Hoshi asked.
" Not exactly. But almost." Yeonseon said.
" And there are audience?" Jun asked. His amused face almost made me laugh out loud.
" yup" chan nodded.
" Yes. Chan is totally a fan of stripping."
Yeonseon teased him and chan throwed a stone at her direction which unfortunately ended up hitting Dk. He whined in pain and started chasing chan.

I got up dusting my pants." where are you going?" Yeonseon asked grabbing my hand.
" I'll be back. Wanna use the restroom"
She nodded.

" do you need any help" Mingyu said standing up from his spot . 
" I guess you won't be any help in the restroom. It's not like you are going to—
I closed yeonseon's mouth before she complete whatever she was going to say.
" I can help myself. Thank you for asking." I said to Mingyu giving a smile.
He was froze in his spot without reacting. I raised my brows in confusion. " yeah yeah sure." He finally regained his consciousness after Wonwoo elbowed him in the knee.

"What the hell man"

I heard everyone teasing Mingyu as I turned and left walking towards the direction of the house.

After finishing my business I was heading towards the group but stopped when I see the yellow tent just a few meters away from the house. The light was lighten and i can partly see the shadows of people inside.
Curiosity itches all over my body and I started to walk towards the yellow tent instead. But before i could get closer to the tent I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see a man with tall and big frame standing infront of me with just a pair of black pants. He leaned into me. At least he could have worn a shirt.

" what are you doing here?" He asked tilting his head to a side and scrutinising me.
I felt heat rushing throughout my body under his gaze.

" I-I uh... washroom ?" I mentally slapped myself for stuttering.

" you are in the wrong direction. It's that way." He said standing straight and pointing at the direction of the house.

" oh thank you." I said. He nodded but he still didn't move instead he was staring at me. If just staring would burn then I would have turned into ashes by now.
" Are you one of them too?" He final spoke after the endless staring game. " the humans".

"Yes" I nodded. It's weird how they refer us as humans. He nodded to himself massaging his chin.
" so you guys do look like us." He said eyeing me up and down. He smirked his lips tilting up his eyes getting even more smaller.
" see ya" he said taping me on my shoulder and walked past me.

What the hell did he mean by saying we look like them. Was he thinking we might have some weird tail and horn or something??
I saw him get into the tent. I was actually thinking of going back to our group but something made me stop going.

It was him.

When the shirtless guy got inside the tent by moving the sheet covering the entrance I saw S.coups. But not just him but the red thing in his hand. Ruby? The main reason for everything.
The sheet was fluttering in the wind giving me a perfect view of S.coups who was staring at the ruby in his palm. I wanted to take a better look at it so I slowly walked to wards the tent. But strangely with each and every step I take my chest started to throb in pain.

" Strangely, we can't open the portal."
I heard a voice spoke from inside the tent. It was Joshua's.
" what do you mean by you can't open the portal?" a unknown voice spoke.

" We tried but we can't open it. We don't know why this is happening now when it was working fine before they came here." It was krixi's this time. Her voice was filled with concern.

" Did they know it?" Another new voice spoke. My chest was throbbing even more with each and every words they speak.

"No." Just a single word but still I recognised his voice. " They don't know." S.coups spoke. And It doesn't need a genius to guess who are the 'they' they are taking about.

" we lied saying that we can open the portal at a place which is similar to the place on earth. So that they—
Jeonghan's voice turned muffled. My heart started to beat so fast.

They lied? They lied to us.? And what more are they hiding?
My heart was clenching inside my chest and I stumbled back wards loosing balance when I regained my posture I started to run.


Someone was calling my name from behind but I tuned it out. They lied. That's the only thing running in my mind. They lied to us when we believed them. They lied to us knowing they are the only persons we trust here.   I ran until I reach the edge of the cliff maybe I would have fallen off if he hadn't teleported infront of me.

To be continued....

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