Ch 11

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"Why are you back!!? " jeonghan asked after seeing the four entering.
Scoups didn't say anything and walked to the couch.
Jeonghan looked at the other three with raised eyebrows
"We saw some armed mens on our way" yeon seon said and gaeul nodded.

"What! Armed mens? What are you saying " jeonghan asked in wide eyes. He turned to scoups "scoups, is that true?" he asked.
Scoups sighed. "Attacan soldiers are here."

"WHAT!! " another voice shouted.

Krixi and Joshua entered the scene "What do you mean by Attacan Soldiers are here.?" krixi asked.

"yes. It seems like they are searching for us" Scoups said with a serious expression.

"But how did they found out we are here " Joshua asked rolling his eyes.

"CHANNNNNNNNNNN AHHHH!!! " a voice rang from outside.
Seungkwan came running towards chan.
Chan raised his hand in a protective stance No! You can't! I have already sprained my back. You can't hu- but it's too late Seungkwan tackled him into a hug" I know you can't leave us" Seungkwan said into the hug, chan cried out in pain.

By the time all the other members also entered
"What happened? Why are you all back? " Mingyu asked after seeing the three. His eyes landed on gaeul, he saw her as if he is expecting her to say something. Gaeul caught him staring
"Why are you looking at me.? Ask your leader why. " she said glancing at scoups.

"Scoups said that he saw some attacan soldiers on their way and its seems like they are searching for us" jeonghan said.
"What!!? " Mingyu's eyes widened , all the other members gasped.

"Seungkwan. " krixi called, " close the opening with your power and make sure they don't find out it" she said.
Seungkwan nodded and ran to the opening.
He closed his eyes and casted a spell, soon a little tornado formed outside. It moved the lid of the manhole and closed it perfectly. And it covered the lid with mud and leaves making it look like the ground.
Seungkwan came inside "I have covered it" he said.
Krixi nodded "As for now you all are grounded from going outside" she said and went inside.

"What? Then what about us? " yeon seon asked in wide eyes.
"You all can stay here for now. After seeing the situation outside we'll deicide what to do." jeonghan said giving an reassuring nod.

"What! No way I can't st-

" if you don't want you can go. No one is compelling you to stay " scoups said cutting her off. " you all are extra burden to us anyway " he said walking towards the corridor and disappearing into it.
" What a jerk!" yeon seon hissed.

"Don't mind what he said. You can go inside and rest for now" jeonghan said



I was laying down on a not so comfortable mattress staring at the ceiling, the room has no window for ventilation or any light to pass through. It has one light bulb hanging at the centre. I was wondering when will we get back to earth and how many days have passed since we left, is the time period in earth and attaca are same or different. My thoughts were interepted by a groning sound. I turned to look at yeon seon who was laying beside me.

" I cant sleep " she said sitting. I can see sweat driping down her face.
"now I feel that our dorm room is more than comfortable" she said.

"hang on a little we will get back to our home soon" I said thinking that it would make her relax a bit.
"I doubt that " she said running her fingers through her hair. "dont you feel these guys suspicious?" she asked.

"What made you think like that?" I asked.
"they said that there is some problem going in attaca ,but they won't say what it is. And they said they are a rebel group but they won't say what they are rebeling about. And now we are locked up in here because of them but still we dont know the reason" she said letting out a big breath.

"So, what are you trying to say " I asked

"You dont understand yet? What if they are bad and have malicious motives and against the good leader of Attaca.?" she said making me laugh at her words.
"Are you writing some story? Do you think they all are bad. After all they have helped us." I said.

"You just give your trust so easily. But I won't " she said with a frown.
She maybe right , but atleast i believe everything happens for a reason.
I got up from the bed and weared my sneakers "its suffocating in here. Im going out for a little" I said and walked to the door.
"i'll come too. Im thirsty." yeon seon said walking to me.

I saw yeon seon disappear into the kitchen. I walked to the entrance I saw that the hole was closed I know that I can't go out even if it is opened. I mentally slaped myself for not thinking that. I turned back and entered Inside, thats when I saw some light at the end of the corridor. I walked towards the direction of the light. I saw some steps at the end of the corridor it seems like it connect to a basement and the light was also coming from there.

I tiptoed and walked down the stairs.
"wooow" I can't help myself from exclaiming after seeing different kinds of weapons. They all are arranged perfectly according to their use on each
I saw an electric bow in one of the shelf. I walked to towards it and took it in my hands. I examined its structure and unique design while holding it in my hands.

"What are you doing here? " a voice asked from back of me. I didn't turn knowing the owner of the voice, I made up some excuse mental and turned. He was standing infront of me hands crossed over his chest. His green eyes staring right into mine.
"I-I uh-that I w-was j-just.. I sluttered, I know that I would mess up. The excuses which I have had in my mind were all vanished in a second after I looked into his eyes. - walking around!" I said. I face palmed myself for giving such an lame excuse even though thats the actual reason.

He took a step forward, I took a step backward out of instinct. He took the bow from my hand, his eyes still fixed to mine" this is not a place for you to roam around " he said.
He placed the bow in the shelf beside me and took a step back.
" Go." he said pointing at the stairs.
I nodded and walked to the stairs thats when someone came down the stairs.
Mingyu stopped when he saw me, I saw an unknown excitement in his eyes
"Your here!" he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I saw you get down the stars earlier , I thought you will come back soon so I waited outside but you didn't. So I came to check on you." he said.

"if you have seen her then you should have stopped her from getting in here." I heard Scoups voice from behind.
"H-hyung? " Mingyu's eyes widened, thats when I realised Mingyu's eyes is different from Scoups. Mingyu 's eyes is Hazel green where as scoups eyes is... I turned to see Scoups eyes it was dark, it was darker than Mingyu' s eye.
Scoups eyes landed on mine, I diverted my gaze swiftly.
"Get her to her room. " he said.
Mingyu nodded and gestured me to come with him.

We both reached the room which was given to me and yeon seon.
"Thanks for walking with me here. You actually dont have to " I said.
"You dont have to mention it. Anyway your our guest" he said. Guest? I don't know if it was the right term.
"And about Scoups hyung.... Don't mind him if he says anything rude to you. He acts tough but he actually cares for us." he said.
"I actually don't care about it. He is nobody to me anyway." I said. He nodded, I bid him goodnight and opened the room door. I didn't see yeon seon around. I closed the door and turned around "What happened?" Mingyu asked, it seems like he didn't leave.
"Yeon seon isn't inside" I said.

"Oh! Your friend! I saw her in the kitchen" he said. Then I remembered her being thirsty and going into the kitchen.
"she was actually conversing with jeonghan hyung in the kitchen" he said


To be continued......

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