Ch 16

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"What have you done to my friend. Why is she not waking up?"

"She is just unconscious. She might have drank lot of water"

"Then maybe should I push her stomach. So that she'll split out the water or should I suck it out! "

"Stop talking nonsense Chan."

"What? Again? I didn't talk nonsense, it's an fact. Don't you watch dramas?"

Gaeul coughed out water making the bickering couple stop.
"Y'll are loud " she said getting up slowly. Yeon seon aided her to sit.

"gaeul you-

" I'm perfectly fine. " gaeul said beaming a little smile at her friend who had an worried expression.
" but what happened? " she said looking around. The others were surrounded her, they all seemed equally worried.

" you got drawn into the river " DK said.
That's when everything snapped back into her mind.
"you guys ... Are you fine.? That fluet sound-

" We are fine. We snapped out of the illusion somehow. But when we got back to our sense you were completely drawn into the river. "
Woozi said his voice fell low.

" but thank god Scoups hyung saved you before anything could happen."
Hoshi said smiling.

" He did?" gaeul asked raising a brow.

" Then do you want me to leave you drawn to death? "
Everyone turned to the direction of the voice. Scoups walked into the group.
He was wet from head to toe. His fangs still dripping water.
He stared at gaeul, his eyes boring into her. His intense stare made her nervous for no reason.

" but what was your illusion? I mean, our illusion didn't let us to pass out. But you did." yeon seon asked out of curiosity.
Everyone looked at her, curious to know her illusion, even krixi did.
But gaeul's eye never left scoups green orbs.
"its not exactly an illusion. Its an memory. From my past." she said, her eyes still fixed at him.

"memory?" Chan asked blinking his eyes.

"how long are you all going to waste the time here." scoups said turning to krixi.

Krixi asked everyone to get ready to leave. Everyone packed their things and got ready to leave.
Yeon seon helped gaeul to stand on her feet and went to help jeonghan who was struggling zipping the bag.
Gaeul smiled looking at the two fighting with the zipper.

Gaeul sneezed making everyone turn to her. She smiled sheepishly at them for her action." Achuu!!! " she sneezed again.

"I guess we need Jun and Vernon's help now" Joshua said looking gaeul head to toe seeing that she is all wet.

Jun and vernon made a fire ball in their palm looking at each other with a smirk
Chan's mouth got wide like an floor to ceiling window.
"yo-y-you.. G-guys... Was that really an fire. Doesn't it hurt.?" chan asked with wide eyes.
Jun and vernon shooked their head.

"wow. I was wondering why you both were dry when we all are wet. So you both hold the fire power." yeon seon said smirking.

"Can I touch it"

"NO! " they both snapped at chan before he touch the fire ball.

Jun and vernon made a campfire using some dried leaves and branches.
Everyone dried themselves. After enjoying the warmth from the fire for a while everyone left the place leaving behind the ashes.

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