Ch 19

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Scoups grip in my hand was so tight, it felt as if my wrist will broke if he let go . I tried my best matching his speed. He dodged many of the passing people and I did the same. I looked back to see the soldiers who were now entering into the next shop, which we were standing before. Thats when something clicked on my mind. Yeon seon and Chan were still in the shop. I stopped in my track abruptly making scoups stop too. He looked at me in confusion "what?" he asked.

"yeon seon and Chan. I let out a breath. "They are still there." I said pointing at the shop.

"Fuck" he cursed under his breath and looked at me with an unreadable expression. He let go off my hand and ran his fingers down his hair.
"You wait here. I'll go and get them" he said to me and ran towards the shop.
I looked around the passing crowd of people. I usually avoid crowded areas when I'm alone because I always feel nauseous around crowd. I feel suffocated so I searched for a place to relax. I turned around bumping into someone's chest.
A sequel escaped my lips at the sudden contact. I leaned backwards too much, but before I fell my butt first to the ground a hand caught my waist. That person helped me stand properly.
"sorry" I apologised bowing. Before that person say anything I left that place without even sparing him a glance.

"you there! Stop."

I heard his voice from behind. The dominance in his voice made me stop.
I turned slowly facing him. That's when I looked at him clearly. He looked young, like a man in his late twenties. He had dark brown eyes . His dark side swept fringe fell over his left eyebrow. He was wearing a black peacoat with black crew neck tee. I would be lying if I said I didn't gasp at his alluring features. But something in him terrified me. It feels as if he let out an dark aura, which I felt ony with scoups. He walked to me.
"you seemed lost. Is there anything I can help you with?" he asked.
Though his words were kind, I panicked because of the sudden question.
"n-no no! It's fine. I was just looking around." I said. He narrowed his eyes.

"where are you from? Are you new new to this village? he asked.

"yes . I'm fr-from the village which is far from here." I said. I thought saying that I belong to this village may put me in danger. He squinted his eyes at me.

"how far is it? he asked folding his hands over his chest." and what brings you here from a far away place? "

" it's beyond two mountains and a orchid garden. Then you should cross a river and a valley to reach there." I blurt out the first thing came to my mind without thinking. 'wait! Will he buy it?' I thought.
He raised a brow and opened his mouth to say something. That's when a light bulb lit in my head.
" wait! Why are you being nosy.? Who are you to ask me questions and why should I answer your questions?" I said. 'playing upper hand is the best tactic' I mentally smirked.

A cocky grin grew on his face. He leaned closer, making me lean a little back.
"Do you know who you are taking to?"
He asked cockyly.
"of course I know. An nutheaded nosy person who intrude in others business without minding his own business. Am I right?" I said.


Beep Beep Beep

His words were cut off by an beep sound.
He sighed and took something I guessed it to be an walkie talkie from inside his coat. But other than that what caught my attention is the imprinted logo of an Eagle covered with red flames in his inner tshirt. 'I have seen this logo before but where...?' after a moment of thinking it clicked in my mind. 'Attacan Soldiers!!'
The soldiers from before had the same logo imprinted in their dress.
'did i just provoked an attacan official? Scoups is going to kill me for sure.'
While I was caught up in my thoughts he ended his call and dropped the walkie talkie into his coat pocket.

Ethereal World //Seventeen ffWhere stories live. Discover now