Ch 12

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I entered the kitchen and walked to the countertop to searched for water. I saw water in a glass jug so I took a glass from the counter and poured the water into it.
I took the glass and was about to drink when I felt a presence behind me. Who could it be,Is it one of the guys or what if it is a ghost? I thought.
I would be least surprised even if I see a ghost in attaca. I grabbed a knife from the side. I swiftly turned and raised the knife but that person caught my hand.

I raised my head to meet with a gold and blue eyes. The edge of the knife which I was holding was inches away from his blue eye. "What are you doing? " he asked. I saw his gold eye, it seemed terrifying with the dark atmosphere.
"I thought it was a ghost " I said.
Jeonghan laughed, he took the knife from my hand "so you peoples in earth fight ghost with knife?" he asked raising eyebrow.

"It's just an self defense " I said and turned to the counter.

"What are you doing here this late?" he asked.
I turned to him and showed the glass of water "I came to drink some water" I said and took a sip.

"so, what are you doing here?" I asked.
He walked to my side and leaned his back on the kitchen counter beside me.
"I came to check on the members if they are asleep, that's when I saw someone in the kitchen so I came to check who is it " he said.

"You used to do that everyday? " I asked. He nodded.
"These kids used to stay up all night practicing but taking rest is more important. Straining our body will eventually strain our mind too. So I came to check if they are asleep." he said staring into the darkness.
I looked at his side profile he looked prefect. I can see his perfect jawline even in that darkness. 'he is handsome' I shooked out my thoughts.
He turned his head, now looking at me. I can't help myself " your eyes are beautiful" I blurt out , his eyes got widened
"What? " he asked, that's when I realised what I said.
"What.!?Did I think out loud" I said Covering my mouth. I guess I really embarrassed myself.
He giggled at me.
"Yours too "

I opened the room door to see Gaeul sitting on the bed, arms crossed over her chest.
"Where were you? " she asked. I walked to the bed and flopped myself in it.
"wherelse, In the kitchen." I said. She looked at me suspiciously "I heard that you were with jeonghan" she said, I wondered who said that to her.
Well.. We met in the kitchen, so we had an little conversation " I said. Anyway that's the truth. She was still glaring at me.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that " I asked. She raised her finger pointing at my face "then Why is your cheeks tinted pink?" she asked raising her eyebrow. I swiftly covered my cheeks with my palm.
"Its nothing, maybe because its cold in here " I said. I know that she was not satisfied with my answer by seeing her reaction. She was about to ask another question but I stopped her " it's already getting late lets go to bed, I feel sleepy. Goodnight" I said and layed down on the mattress closing my eyes. I didn't here anything for a while so I guessed she went to sleep. Soon I got drifted into sleep.



"Good morning!"  Gaeul greeted the boys who were chatting in the hall. They all looked at her with an confused expression.
"What? Why are you all looking at me like that?"  she asked tilting her head.

"that's because... It's already past noon"  The8 said smiling awkwardly.

"What? Already! " gaeul said searching for an wall clock around the room but she found none.

"and we call the person who wake up late as buffalo because they must have been a buffalo in their past life" hoshi said giving a teasing smirk. "mahaaaaaaaaaaaa"  he made an buffalo sound earning a glare from gaeul.  Gaeul walked straight to the couch taking a seat beside Wonwoo who was so into his book.

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