Ch 5

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"Why are you alone? Where is krixi? I thought you'll bring her along with you." jeonghan asked. Scoups stayed silent. They were currently sitting on a branch of a tall tree.
"she said that she had some unfinished work there and she'll return soon after that. And also she handed over the Ruby to me."
Scoups fetched something from his pocket. "Everything is because of this right!" he showed that red thing in his palm. "this run". He looked at jeonghan.

"We can't destroy it, you know." jeonghan looked at the sky." The only way is we should claim the other parts and reunite it" he added..
Scoups looked at Attaca's Castle which is far from where they are yet visible because of its tall architecture.
He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth out of anger.
"But how is she gonna return to attaca without the Ruby? "jeonghan asked.

" she asked me to open the portal in three days " scoups said and jeonghan hummed.

" HYUNG!!!" a boy with red hair shouted from below the tree. He panted heavily.
" Seungkwan! What happened?" jeonghan jumped from the tree and landed safely on the ground.

" hyung you should come fast. Woozi hyung nearly burnt the kitchen while making dinner "Seungkwan said in an hurry.
" what?! That little thing! Who asked him to enter the kitchen "jeonghan said running at the direction of their hideout but he stopped in his track and looked back at scoups who is still on the tree.
" your not coming?? ".

" No. Later." he said and sat comfortably on the branch staring at the sky.

By the time jeonghan reached their hideout he saw smoke coming out from the manhole. "what the"
He didn't waste any time and jumped in.
As soon as he entered he heard hoshi 's voice which is loud enough to shake the entire place.


"Isn't you the one who said your hungry. jeonghan hyung isn't here that's why I tried. " woozi shouted back.

"what?? You tried?? You fired the whole kitchen!!!" hoshi raised his right hand which was now half transformed into an tigers paw. Woozi materialised an sword in his hand.
Eight pairs of eyes watched them in anticipation.

"BOTH! STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!" jeonghan entered the scene standing between hoshi and woozi.

"Hyung, you don't know what he did. He bur-- jeonghan cut him off.
" I know. Are you going to fight with a fellow member for an mear wild rabbit? When we all in a life or death situation.

" But hyung" hoshi lowered his head out of guilt and woozi mirrored his action.
"sorry hyung " woozi's apology  came out as an whisper.

"It's fine as long as you understand. I'll go prepare dinner. And woozi you come with me and clear the mess you have created " jeonghan said and dissappear into the smoke. Woozi tailed him behind.

Soon after they went into the kitchen.
"You should learn to control your anger hoshi" a voice came from behind hoshi. Everyone turn to the direction of the voice. A boy with  chestnut brown hair sat on the couch. He lowered the book which he was holding revealing a pair of round glasses resting comfortably on his nose bridge.

"Wonwoo hyung how could you read books even in this smoggy situation.!"
Seungkwan exclaimed.

"What do you mean anyway? " hoshi pushed the person whoever it is aside and walked forward until he met Wonwoo face to face.

Ethereal World //Seventeen ffWhere stories live. Discover now