Ch 30

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I'm not much a fan of physical touch. I'm never a fan of physical touch. But right now this person is suffocating me with the name of hug. If it were Joshua or Jeonghan or any of my brothers they would have been flying across the room by now.

But shownu hyung is someone I respect from a younger age. I admired him from the very first day. He has been a fatherly figure to us until the moment we take our own paths.
It's been years since i last saw him and the others. So technically i can't resist the affection he is showering on me right now even though it's practically squeezing my body.

"I missed you so much. When was the last time we met?" He finally released me from the hug leaving me to breath but before i could respond he pulled me again into a body squeezing hug. I can see Jeonghan and Joshua grinning from the side. They must be enjoying. I gave them a glare. They hugged each other imitating us. Beside them changkyun and joohoney were laughing too. I made a mental note to Knock their teeths out when I'm free.
" was it like three years ?" He said releasing me again from his hold. But this time I took a step back before he strangles me again.

" I guess." I breathed out.

"What happened to dino? And what is this thing with his imposter and the other two with him?" Joohoney asked. I felt a sudden pressure within me.

"I know he isn't dino. He smelled awfully diffrent when I hugged him earlier today." Minhyuk hyung said said.

" yaah stop talking like a pervert." Hyungwon said making a face. I felt a touch In my bicep. I turned to look at shownu hyung who had a strained look."what happened with dino?" He asked. And for the first time in my life I don't know what to answer. I felt as if someone choking me. I breathed in and then out. "he--

"Dino is no longer here." Jeonghan said before I say anything. He looked at me with his eyes disguising everything he is feeling. "we lost him. He tried to barge into Attaca's castle behind our back. But he never came back." He said now looking at shownu hyung.

"You didn't try to find him?" Hyung asked now looking at me.

"We did. We broke into the palace and tried to find him but when we couldn't we hallucinates a guard to get the truth only to find out that dino was made to fight with some monster and he lost the fight. That's all we were able to get. So we assumed that he...."

Joshua couldn't complete his sentence,his eyes roaming elsewear. i felt a squeeze in my arm. "He might be alive." Shownu hyung said and i shook my head "I wish he is" i said.

"So about the Ruby did you find the other parts?" Kihyun hyung said clearing his throat.

I took out the Ruby part which I hid inside my waist coat and the riddle paper. "We got this from the witch Ariadnae." I passed the paper to shownu hyung. " The riddle points out that the other part is somewhere inside the black eye sea" i said.

"But how can you find its exact location. The black eye sea is vast and the worst thing is the dangerous sea creature roaming around." Changkyun said

"He is right. You might have seen some attacan soldiers patroling downhill that's because fishermans going to sea are disappearing and we are unable to find any trace about their disappearance. That's been a real mistery for months now." Kihyun Hyung said his brow tensed.

"You haven't sent anyone to check what happened?" Joshua asked.

"The government sent some soldiers from their side but they didn't return and we sent some of our men to look for them and they disappeared too." Shownu hyung said with a shrug.

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