Ch 9

133 7 4

Gaeul's P. O. V.

"don't go farway" I heard mingyu shout from behind I turned back and nodded at him. He smiled at me and I know that's genuine. He is nice, all the other members too except... I saw an rock near, I went towards the rock and sat on it. Thoughts of Hansol lingered on my mind. I know that the guy I see earlier is not that jerk instead a lookalike of him. Still I don't know what I felt back there. Seeing the face which I wanted to forgot made anger boil within me, my breath got hitched in my throat if I were there little more I don't know what would have happened so I came out to get some fresh air and let out my anger.
I looked up seeing the sky. It has no stars nor a moon it looked like a black canvas. I don't know is it right term to call it a sky.

"What are you doing here? "
I heard a voice from behind me. The deep voice sent shivers down my Spain. I turned to meet a pair of green eyes and again a familiar feel drawn over me. I thought it was mingyu at first by seeing the green eye but there stood another guy with his arms crossed over his chest.
He wore an full black outfit. His green orbs piercing right into my soul. I can feel a dark aura around him.
"Who are you? " I asked.

"You don't have to know " he said, a cocky grin plastered in his face.
I don't know why but I had a strong urge to rip that cockiness from his face, maybe it remained me of Hansol he always had this face which I hated the most.

"are you one of them. The rebel group" I asked thinking he maybe one of the members.
"what if I'm. Does it mater to you." he said raising one of his eyebrow.
The amount of dominance he carry made me hate him.
I was about to question him back when someone come to us running.
He stopped in front of us keeping his hand on his knees and panting heavily.
" Gaeul you are here thank god I found you" the red haired guy said letting out fast breaths. If my memory is right he is Seungkwan.
He looked at the other guy "scoups hyung you are here too?" he made an O shape in his mouth as an action of suprice to which that Scoups guy didn't respond.
"Anyways jeonghan hyung asked me to call for you. Dinner is ready so come quickly. Hyung you too " he said to both of us and ran back quickly. I looked at the scoups guy and made my way towards the manhole.

I looked into the hole thinking of the possible way to jump in without spraining my back.
" What? Do you need any help" he said from behind me. I can say that he is smirking even without turning back.
But I don't give a- to him.
"No thanks " I said turning back,he still had that cocky grin.
I turned to the opening and let a big breath. I gathered all the courage and jumped inside the hole endind up getting a cramp on my leg. I bend down massaging my leg. Scoups landed safely on his feet.
" You should have asked for help "
He said smirking at me evily and walked inside. I stood up on my heels and went ahead him for which he didn't complain.
When I was about to enter the sitting room I heard my name being mentioned inside so I halted in my step.

" So Gaeul and that Hansol guy who looked like our vernon dated? " a voice asked, i don't get who's voice it is.

"Yes but they both broke up" chan said.

"Why? " another voice asked.

"That bastard cheated on her. He was seeing another girl behind her back. " yeon seon said. I can vividly see my best friend's face burning in fury.

"Yaaah. Why are staring at me like that. That's not me " another voice said which I guess it is vernon.

"If you are him I would have killed you by now " yeon seon said. I can feel the tension inside.

"Are you going to get in or not " I got startled after hearing a voice close to my ear. I turned to see scoups face which was inches away from mine. He took a step back standing straight and gesturing me to get in. I wondered if he had also heard the whole conversation inside.
I sighed and entered inside.
All the heads turned to me as soon as I entered. Yeon seon came to me running
" Gaeul. You-

" I'm alright. I just went out to get some air "I said. I can see the concern in her eyes still she slapped my arms " you should have taken me with you it's so stuffy in here" she said looking around the room.

"Scoups hyung! You're here too. " a boy with mullets whom I guessed to be The8 said.
Scoups walked from behind me and went towards the couch sitting on it.
"Another member? " yeon seon asked.

"No. He is our leader " woozi said.
leader?? I guess that's why he is too full of himself.

"Come on guys. Dinner is set " jeonghan said making the Other guys hooray.
How childish of them they were far from what I think a rebel group is.

Jeonghan's cooking skills was amazing, I really envied his future partner.
Yeon seon who always been a picky person ate silently too.
I looked around not seeing krixi anywhere. "Where is krixi? " I asked.

"She most be in her room " Joshua said pointing at an direction.

"she don't eat?" I asked.

"Noona is always like that. We don't even know when she will eat or sleep." Jun said frowning.

"I'll go and get her " I said standing up.

"she will eat if she is hungry. You don't need worry about her." scoups said, his intense gaze made me sit back in my place.
"Can anyone explain why a hideout looks like an mansion.? " chan asked munching on his food.
"Yeah. I wonder the same " yeon seon said raising one of her hand.

"It's because this hideout is built specifically for the King. It Is meant to be used only if any war broke out. It is built in the period of the late King, so the present king has no idea about this place. " krixi said entering the room. She sat on the empty chair beside scoups.
Scoups eyed her with an expression which I can't read.
Chan and yeon seon nodded at her explanation.
" Go to sleep early. You will be going to your world by tomorrow." scoups said standing up from his seat and exiting the room.
"Really! are we going home? " yeon seon asked excitedly to which krixi nodded.


"You can sleep in the room at the end of this corridor " jeonghan said to gaeul and yeon seon pointing at a corridor.
They both nodded and bid them goodbye.

"Then where should I sleep? " chan asked showing his doe eye at jeonghan.
Seungkwan and hoshi wrapped their arms around him.
"You can sleep with us" Seungkwan said smiling.
"What? I can't. " chan said trying to get out from their grip.
"What? You can't sleep with boys? " hoshi asked rolling his eyes.
"NO. I didn't say like that " chan said and sighed "can't I get a separate room" he asked.

"Rooms here are limited. So you should share the room. You can sleep with them tonight, anyway you'll leave tomorrow. " jeonghan said. The other two got sad after hearing that chan will leave tomorrow.

"okay. Just tonight" chan nodded


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