Ch 20

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Joshua got out from the room gaining the attention of the others who were waiting outside.
Krixi walked to Him.
"How is he?" she asked.
Joshua closed the room door and turned to face her.
"don't need to worry, he is alright. He is sleeping now." he said.

Krixi nodded and turned facing the others. ," do not disturb him. Let him rest." she said.

"But why did he fainted?" Chan asked walking front. Krixi didn't reply instead shifted in her place. All the other members looked at each other.
"Why are you all looking at me as if asked something I shouldn't.?!" chan asked raising a brow.
Jeonghan took the initiative to talk "He is just exhausted." he said.


" no more questions. " chan was cutoff by Mingyu.
Chan pouted.

With that everyone left the place, except Gaeul. She stood Infront of the room door. Yeon seon walked to her after seeing her friend standing there not moving a inch.
" Why aren't you coming? " she asked.

" I'm feeling guilty. " Gaeul replied. Yeon seon sighed.

"it's not your fault." yeon seon reassured her friend.

"I know, but still..."

"your just crazy to feel for a weirdo." yeon seon hissed and dragged gaeul with her.

Jeonghan and krixi was standing beside scoups bed while Joshua sat beside scoups. he had his palm on scoups forehead as blue waves formed around his palm.

"Is he getting better? " jeonghan asked.

Joshua nodded. " I just healed him. He will wake up soon." he said.

"why won't he listen to us! " krixi hissed running her fingers down her hair.

"You know he is stubborn." jeonghan said placing his hand on her shoulder.

"But if he continues to do those witchcrafts it will only hurt him" she said looking down.

"But he clearly knows that." Joshua said.

"Inform a meeting once scoups wake up. We can't waste anymore time. We should find the other parts of the Ruby before the king does. " krixi said sternly.
Jeonghan's and Joshua nodded.


Wu zhan was walking down the corridor of Attaca's Castle. He saw servants decorating either side of the corridor with red curtains and flowers.
He stopped in front of a big door. The soldier outside bowed to him and went inside, he came out after few seconds.
"you can go in." he said and opened the door for wu zhan.

When wu zhan entered the throne room he saw king suichen discussing something serious with two soldiers.
"Everything should be perfect without a single flaw." he ordered the other two soldiers.
"sure your majesty" the soldiers said.
King suichen saw wu zhan waking in.
"You both can go now." he said.
The soldiers bowed to him and walked out of the room.

"Greetings Your Highness".

"Any information about the rebel group?" King suichen asked narrowing his gaze..

"not yet, I have sent our soldiers to search every region." wu zhan said.

"Then what brings you here?" King suichen asked leaning forward while massaging his jaw.

"i think I should return to the East Coast, your highness." wu zhan said.


"i heard fishermens are making a commotion out there. The soldiers are trying hard to keep the situation at ease, but I think it would be better if I go and watch it myself." he said.

Ethereal World //Seventeen ffWhere stories live. Discover now