Ch 8

141 8 3

Yeon seon's P. O. V

It's dark! It's pitch dark in here I can't see anything. I hate it. I hate darkness. I can feel my hands are tied up with something and my eyes are covered too.
but where am I? The last thing I remember is that we were walking in the forest and two guys came out of nowhere and caught us from behind. And Chan fighting with one of the guys and obviously chan lose the fight. and then... I don't know where am I and is gaeul and Chan also here. I was about to call for them when the cloth covering my eyes loosen and fell down. I adjust my eyes due to the sudden brightness but when my vision got fixed the first thing I saw is....................... ANGEL? He has platinum blonde hair long not so long his front hair reached under his eyes and his eyes caught my attention his right eye was in blue color it's sky blue and his left eye was in golden color he had strong jawline, high cheek bones And his lips... It's.. Ugh! Nevermind. All his features made him look like angel but his eyes stood out. He was more like angel and devil mixed or fallen angel? Maybe.

My thoughts were interpreted when I heard his voice "are you alright.?" he asked. His voice was endearing. I didn't respond. I just got consumed into his beautiful orbs. Strangely his different colored eyes was comforting.
He shooked my shoulders a little. That's when I realise I'm not dead or nor dreaming. "What! am I not dead yet!" that's the first thing came out of my mouth.
He laughed "why should you be dead "
he said and came closer to me. The amount of closeness made my heart skip a beat. I gulped. Our faces were inches away. He moved his hands around my back and untied the rope which was tied my hands together. Then he stood up gesturing his hand at me.After a moment of hesitation I raised my hand he caught my hand and helped me stand up.
"Where are my friends? " I asked. He turned to his right and sighed. I also turned to see gaeul and Chan sitting by the wall eyes closed.
"They didn't wake up yet. "he said.
I ran to my friends and tried to wake them up.
" They'll wake up soon. So don't worry" I heard that blonde guys voice from behind me. I turned to look at him.
"Who are you? " I asked.

"My name is Jeonghan"


Author's P. O. V.

"I can't believe they followed me  here."  krixi said anger evident in her tone.
"You should have been more careful" scoups said. Krixi ran her fingers through her hair and sighed.
Jeonghan entered the room.
"What happened? " krixi asked as soon as he entered.
"One of the girls woke up. But other two are still unconscious. I guess Mingyu really knocked them out pretty hard. " he said.
"did gaeul wake up?" krixi asked, her eyebrows up.
"I didn't know her name. But she refused to come out of the room. " he said with a frown.
Jeonghan saw scoups walk towards the door "coups! "he called. Scoups stopped in his track.
" where are you going "jeonghan asked.
" I'm going out" scoups replied without turning back and made his way to the door. Then he halted in his step and turned "Make sure to send them back to where they belong" he said and left the room.
"I'll go and check them " krixi said and marched towards the door. Jeonghan followed her.

When Chan opened his eyes he saw many silhouettes in front of him. He rubbed his eyes.

"Wow! He look exactly like him. "

"Yeah look at his jawline. It's the same"

"Why is he taller than me in other world too "

"Hyung! You might be taller in that world. "

"It seems like he is awaken "

"WHAT! "

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