Ch 10

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"What! Why is the opening so high up? How do we get there? " yeon seon said seeing the opening of the manhole.
"Hey gaeul. How do you get out yesterday? " she asked. Gaeul turned to see Mingyu, as soon as they made eye contact they both turned away.
"Is there any ladder here? " krixi asked.
"maybe in the storage" jeonghan said.
"I'll go and get it " Dk said.

"There is no time for that " scoups said entering the scene with Joshua beside.
"Just carry them up " he said.

"WHAT!!! "
"WHAT!!! " Yeon seon and Chan exclaimed rolling their eyes.

Jeonghan came forward a little bit hesitant and showed his hand to yeon seon "if you trust me " he said. Yeon seon looked at his hand and then she looked at gaeul, she gave an agreeable nod. Yeon seon placed her hand above jeonghan's." I hope you won't put me down "she said making him smile at her.
Mingyu walked to Gaeul and showed his hand in front of her "Again?" he asked smiling in a teasing way. Gaeul smiled at him and placed her hands above his.

"Fast! " Scoups said from behind. Gaeul turned to look at him scoups looked away when their eyes met.
"Then who is going to carry me? " chan asked looking around.
Everyone gave an baffled look at him.
"What? I can't fly. " he said.


After deciding who will carry chan by playing rock paper scissors, thanks to yeon seon for the idea, woozi lost and carried chan out. Everyone landed safely outside not mentioning woozi's endless complain about chan not staying still while levitating in air.

"It's time to say goodbye " krixi said.
"I know I'm indepted to you all. I didn't even say a proper thanks to you for helping me back then." she said, her purple orbs glinting.

"It's okay. Anyway you have helped us too. " I said.
"Yes. It's even now " yeon seon said.

Krixi nodded "Get home safely. Scoups will lead your way" she said.

"If possible let's meet again " I said.
Krixi shook her head "No. It's better if we don't meet again." she said.

"yes there is no way we'll meet you all again" Seungkwan said fake crying.
He walked to chan and hugged him
"When am I gonna see this face again" he said sniffing in chans arms.
Other boys also joined the hug except jeonghan and Joshua.
"Are you all going to come or not! " scoups shouted, that when I realised that he also didn't join the hug. Well that's so him.
They all broke the hug and we bid goodbye to all the other members and followed close behind scoups.
I turned to look at them for one last time
They all waved at us, some where smiling and few were sniffing. Even though the time we spent together is short they all were nice to us.

It's been around half an hour since we left. I don't know still how long should we walk to get out of here. I turned to look at scoups he had an spear in his hand using it to cut down any plants or creepers in the way.
"still how long does it take?" I asked.

"Fifteen minutes " he said without even turning back.
"that's what you are saying for the past half an hour" chan said " I can't walk any more " he said and stopped walking.

"Then you can stay here. " scoups said still focused on his way ahead.

"What!? " chan gasped.

"be a man chan." yeon seon said turning back at him and giving him a teasing look.
I walked to him " chan, look at the forest. It is too dense, who knows what animal will jump out from where." I said. He looked around the forest and gulped.
"Now are you going to come or not " I asked. He looked around again and nodded.
I walked forward with chan beside me, when Scoups stopped in his track looking here and there.
" What? " I asked. He turned looking at me he had an serious expression in his face. " Someone is coming towards here." he said.

"Who? " yeon seon asked to which he didn't reply still focusing on something.
That's when I heard some footstep and it was getting closer.
"Yes. Someone is approaching us " I said.
"WHAT?" chan almost yelled. Scoups hushed him to keep quite.
"Go and hide somewhere else" he said looking at us.
"What! Can't you hear what I said!! " he yelled at us after seeing our baffled look.

I hid myself behind a tree. I saw yeon seon hiding behind a tree beside me and Chan lying flat behind a Bush.
I looked ahead to see Scoups standing in a fighting stance but not hiding.
I heard footsteps getting closer. There were many, I looked at scoups he is alone.
I didn't think twice to ran over to him and caught his wrist "What the- I didn't gave him a chance to speak, pulling him with me and hid behind the tree.
" What are you doing!? " he yelled. I hushed him and pointed at a direction. He looked past my hand, his eyes widen seeing the armed mens.
" who are they? " I asked now looking at him. He turned his head towards me
"They are Attacan soldiers. But I don't know why are they here." he said seeing right into my eyes, yet again a familiar feel hit me. I can't get my eyes out of his green orbs. "what?" he asked, that's when I get out of my dazed state.
I diverted my gaze to somewhere else
"What's with this green eye thing " I mumbled to myself.

"Why did he ask us to search dacon forest out of all places. " one of the soldiers said.

"What's the problem in it? " another soldier asked he seems to be young compared to the others.

"What! You don't know? There are rumours that dead souls are wandering in dacon forest. " the previous soldier shivering a bit.

"Really!?" the young soldier asked in wide eyes.

"Yes, that's why this is a Prohibited place in Attaca "the other soldier said.

" If you have time to chitchat instead you can search for them" Another soldier entered the scene it seems like he is the Head of them. The other two soldiers bowed at him.
"General Wu Zhan asked us to search for the rebel groups hideout as soon as possible. But here you are chitchating and wasting time? . You all would have heard how he is if he were here you two would have lost your heads by now." he said glaring at them.

" Apologies us sir" they both said still bowing.

"Commander!" Another soldier came
"All the soldiers are tired if we continue searching it will slow down the process. It will be best if we rest for sometime." he said. The commander stood silent for a while then he turned to the soldiers
"Lets rest here for a while and them resume searching" he said.
All the other soldiers cheered silently.

"Scoups-shi! Scoups-shi! " I heard chans voice, i diverted my gaze from the soldiers to chan who was lying flat on the ground.
"How long should I stay like this? "he asked in a low voice.
I saw Scoups who didn't respond and stayed silent. Maybe he is thinking for a way out I thought.
I heard hissing sound from beside me I turned to see yeon seon 'what should we do now.?' she asked in action which only I could understand. I gestured a 'I don't know' to her, she sighed rolling her eyes.

"Let's go back to the hideout" I turned after hearing scoups voice. He had an expression which I can't read. I know that I can't go against his decision and also going back is the best for now. I nodded at him.

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