Ch 7

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"Noooonaaaaa" Seungkwan screemed and ran to krixi the moment he saw her.
The other boys who were busy in their own chores halted in their work and ran over to her.
"Noona finally you came back. We missed you a lot. " hoshi fake cried.
"I missed you a lot too guys. " krixi smiled tears forming in her eyes.
She opened her arms everyone tackled her into a group hug except "I guess you two don't miss me"  she said seeing Joshua and jeonghan who were not joining them. They both looked at each other smiling and walked to her joining the group hug. It was really one big group hug. But what they didn't notice was Scoups who was standing behind alone and seeing the reunion.

After they all had a heart full conversation with their noona everyone returned to their work.
"Hoshi and Mingyu "jeonghan called.
Both the guys ran to him" yes hyung ".
" You both go out and hunt something for dinner."  they both nodded and went.
" Jeonghan." jeonghan turned after hearing his name.
" krixi called for a meeting "Joshua said. Jeonghan nodded and went with him to the underground armoury.
Krixi and Scoups were already in the armoury when they both entered.
" I have called for this meeting to discuss about something"  krixi said looking at the other three.
"What it is? " scoups asked.
Krixi looked around and sighed.
"Back in earth I got chased by the King's pawns. In order to escape I went into a house but due my wounds and heavy blood loss I fell unconscious. I woked up in a unfamiliar room. It was already three days passed when I woke up."  she let out a big breath. "when I woke up I saw two girls and a boy. They are the one who saved me" . She said.
"That's good to hear there are some good souls too " jeonghan said.
Krixi shook her head "what's more important is that boy. h-he looked exactly like our Dino" she said. The other three looked at her in utter shock.
"Then the legends were right about the parallel universe. "Joshua said rubbing his jaw.
" Where we have our counterpart."


Gaeul's P. O. V.

I felt an weight above me. I tried moving my body but I can't. I looked to see what's above me. It was yeon seon I sighed "yaaa get off me. Yeon seon! " I yelled trying to push her off me. Suddenly I felt a movement underneath me. I looked down to see Lee chan "hey chan what are you doing here" I asked him.
"Good question but I can answer to it only if you get off  from me " he said struggling underneath. That's when I realised I was laying above him. Our current position is like an sandwich and I was like a cheese trapped between two buns.
I finally managed some strength to push yeon seon off me. Then I got up from chan.
" You almost broke my backbone "  he said punching his back. 
I saw yeon seon who was laying down I went to her and shook her "just 2 minutes. I feel really tired as if I have crossed million light-years." she mumbled. I sighed, that's when I realised what she said "what!" I exclaimed looking around the unfamiliar place.
I turned to look at chan who was also looking around.
"Where the heck are we?" I asked while looking at the sky which is dark even though it has some red shades in it.
I looked at chan he just gestured I don't know with his hand.
I was about to scold him when I heard seon's voice "YAAH!  LEE CHAN!" she shouted his name making chan turn to her direction.
"Care to explain where we are now?"  she asked glaring at him. Lee chan gulped." I think we are in other side of the forest "he said.
" I don't think so" I said looking at the sky "look at the sky it is too different from the sky we have." I said.
"Then are you saying that we are in another planet or something "she said laughing at me. I nodded. Her smile dropped " No. It can't be "she said.

" Gaeul is right. Didn't we entered into that red color glittering portal . Maybe we are here because of that." chan said.

" What! We?? You dragged us along with you! You troublemaker." yeon seon yelled at him even though I'm the one who dragged her along.
" I-ts just I was curious" he said diverting his gace into another direction.
"What if we are in some sought of upside down?"   he asked looking excited.

"Stop your series shits now" yeon seon snapped at him.

"Just say what we should do now " I asked.
"Let's walk into the forest now. Maybe we can find a way out there."he said and I nodded. I turned to see yeon seon drawing something in air with both of her hands.
" What are you doing?" I asked.
She turned to see me" I'm checking if the portal is still here."  she replied.
I smiled to myself by seeing the stupidity of my best friend.

We are walking into the forest for almost half an hour but it seems the forest gets more deeper each and every step we take further. The forest was silent with no sounds of birds or animals. I looked around at the trees it seems as if it is calling for us. Then I looked above seeing the sky now it seems even more darker, the little shades of red were gone now. Maybe it passed dusk.

I was caught up in my own thoughts thatI didn't realise a presence behind me. Until someone caught my neck from behind. That person pulled me closer and pointed a dagger at my neck.
I looked at my right to see chan and seon in the same position as me but instead they both were trapped by a single guy. He had yellow blonde hair his right hand caught chan's mouth from behind and whereas Seon's neck was caught by his left hand.
"who are you guys?" a voice rang near my ear. I turned my head to meet a pair of   green eyes. A sudden dejavu hit me when I saw that eyes. It's familiar I have seen this eyes before but where?.
"I'm asking you! " he yelled. His hot breath fanned my ears. I was about to answer when I heard a scream I turned to see the other guy on the ground and blood was dripping from his right hand.
Chan wiped the blood in his mouth.
"This guys has bitten my hand. He is an monster. "that blonde guy shouted pointing at chan but as soon as he saw him his pale yellow orbs which is more identical to a tiger widened. He had an astonished look in his face as if he had seen a real monster.
" D-d-dino...?"  he sluttered.
Dino? that's the same name krixi has mentioned before.
The tight grip in my neck loosened , I turned to see that guy behind me. He pushed me aside, and walked to chan. I stumbled and fell down.
He grabbed chan's shirt collar with his hand. "Who are you? Why do you look like our Dino? "he asked in gritted teeth.
Now I really wonder who is Dino.

Ethereal World //Seventeen ffWhere stories live. Discover now