ch 27

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               THE NEXT MORNING...


I was petting Alexandra in her chin. She loves whenever I rub her chin with my hands. She was feeling Cozy under my touch.
"You like it ah ?"
She moaned under my touch. Alexandra is an rare breed she is with me from the day one i left home for my training.

I saw Gabriel looking at Alexandra from the farthest end of the stable. Gabriel is my father's horse. It's pitch black fur and the strong dark aura it let out just resembles my father. Should I say it's my animalistic copy of my father. But it's weak for Alexandra. I have noticed it in the past few days after I got here. Right now it's eyeing her like it's going to swallow her whole.

"Try anything funny, you will be in dinner table today."
I gave him a warning look. He then let out a disapproving sound. I just shook my head sighing because of this darn needy animals.

I felt a presence behind me as I bent down to pick up a bunch of hay for Alexandra.
" How are you commander yoon.?" I asked turning to look at the said person. " it's been a while."

There he stood tall , tan skinned , golden orbs and dark hair. He is just the same as when I last saw him. Handsome Still i can see him ageing.

"It was an great fight yesterday."  I said moving forward to him "a father and son combat." I looked up at him since he is a feet taller than me. " it was quite interesting to watch" 

He turned his head to the left and sighed before saying " you were there" a pause then looked at me " you were watching." It wasn't a question more like he was confirming it to himself.

I laughed " yeah. I was watching him all along from the moment I entered the ball room."
He looked at me with an evident confusion in his eyes.

Of course. how can I not notice Jeonghan. Colouring his hair in black is just an lame thing. His angelic face cannot be left unnoticed. But it was not just Jeonghan I noticed. It was the girl beside him
I'm sure that she was with Jeonghan last night , but I have no idea of how they both are related.

I won't run away like a coward.

What she said last night in the ball rang through my ears. Am I being a coward? Im asking this question for the I Don't know how many times from last night.

"The king has called for me to discuss about the break in last night. He was very furious."
Commander yoon' voice break me out of my thoughts.
I looked up at him. His face was blank but i very well know there are million thoughts running inside his head. Still he managed to keep a stoic face.

"What did he say?" I asked.

"it seems like they broke into the dungeon too. I don't know the details." He said.

"The dungeon..... it suddenly clicked in my mind. " the witch?"

Commander yoon nodded " the king and general wu zhan have gone to interrogate her."

"General wu zhan?  I haven't seen him ever since I arrived." I said.

" He came back from the east coast this morning." He answered with a scowl. It clearly showed that commander yoon doesn't like wu zhan.

I have meet general wu zhan a few times while i was training around the region of east coast and Black eye Sea. He doesn't have any flaws other than that he is loyal to the king. I have heard that his whole family from his ancestors where all loyal to the king, whoever it maybe.

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