Ch 25

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I never thought even the way to the security room will have many security guards , but Dk and I some how managed to knock them out. I was currently dragging those unconscious guards and putting them in the corner of the room. I saw Dk watching over the multiple screens. He looked more tensed which is unusual for him.

I walked to him "are they not arrived yet?"I asked looking at one of the screen which showed the entrance of the dungeon which was guarded by two guards.
"No, they haven't—AHHHHHHH!
He suddenly screamed after seeing me but before he could deliver a punch I caught his hand "what are you doing? It's me"

His frightened peach orbs calmed down after hearing me.
"Hyung? You are........
He eyed me from head to toe suppressing his laughter

'Right I forgot to mention , I have shape shifted into one of the guards. Ugh....more particularly a tall guard.'

But I'm going to knock this lads thirty two teeth out now. Before i could do anything I saw two figures nearing the dungeon through the screen.
"They are here." I moved near  the screen to take a close look.

The guards pointed a arrow at the two after seeing the both. But scoups hyung and krixi noona are great fighters. They made some series of martial arts move and knocked them out.

I can see Noona looking through the camera to indicate us to open the door to the dungeon. I looked at Dk who's eye was wandering among the series of lever.
"What are you doing?open it." I said but he looks at me with an evident confusion.
"I don't know which will open the door to the dungeon."He said looking at the levers.

I also don't know what to do at the same time I don't want to waste the time so I went along my first instinct.  I looked at the blue colour lever at the mind,the one which was a little big among the other.
"That one." I pointed at it.

"Are you sure?" He looked at me in confusion. I nodded.

Dk pulled the lever down. But when i looked into the monitor there was no movement in the dungeon's door shit! I mentally cursed.

"Hyung look there."

I looked up into the monitor to see the steal door of the dungeon slowly lifting up. I sighed in relaxation.
Before getting in noona looked at hyung, as if they made an agreement with eye contact hyung nooded at her.

Soon she went inside the dungeons. I saw scoups hyung stayed outside for sometimes but it looked as if he was thinking something then he walked away.

"Where is hyung going?" Dk asked.
I shooked my head. Well, how would I know no one can predict what he thinks.

"Hyung.........Dk trailed off looking at me. I raised my brows. He looked like he is hesitant to say something.
"Just say." I said.

"Do you think noona and hyung like each other?"

I didn't expect this sudden question. I don't know what made him come up with this question.

"Do you think?" I asked him back. But he just shrugged.

I heard once from Jeonghan hyung that scoups hyung had an crush on noona when they were little. But I'm not sure if he still feels the same way and that too in a situation like this. If our life's were normal from the beginning maybe I myself too would have find my love one day but.......

I'm sure that for hyung love is  not important than reclaiming the ruby and dethroning the king.

"Do you think there is time to love amidst the chaos?" I asked, Dks face sanked . I know what's this little one is thinking.

Ethereal World //Seventeen ffWhere stories live. Discover now