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The giant octopus like monster spun it's head at the sound. It snarled at S.coups, baring it's teeths dripping of salaiva.

"How gross"  S.coups said materialising his sword in his hand still levitating in the air. "If you wanna play dirty." He said gently moving his index fing along the side of his sword. "Let's see what you have got."

In a Swift motion scoups lunged forward positioning his sword towards the giant thing. But before he could move any closer it disappeared into the water. S.coups pulled himself positioning up before slamming against the ship.

He looked around finding nothing except the silent waves. "What the fuck." He cursed. "Are you playing hide and seek now." He said moving to the other side of the ship. He saw rippling of water. "You better show yourself up orelse

S.coups haven't finished his sentence before a large tentacle caught him by the waist from behind. "What the fuck" he tried to wiggle off from its hold but its hold grew even tighter with his every move.

The giant octopus shook him like a sack making S.coups to almost puke out his lunch. Then it moved the tentacle directly infront of it along with S.coups. His hands are trapped along with his sword.  The monster opened its mouth grinning and dripping of disgusting salaiva.

Scoups tried to teleported. He was surprised to see that he was still in the monsters hold. He tried to straighten his State of mind and concentrate. He can't use his power he realised.

The octopus moved him towards its mouth eagerly waiting to have a taste.
The more closer he gets he realised that the monster has the ability to cut off his power when he is in its hold.
He saw some movement above and got some what relaxed. As the octopus 's was an few inch nearer to him "STOP!"
The octopus halted it's movement.  It hears him. It observed him up and down. " I know you can hear me so just listen to me first before you swallow me whole".
It didn't react but it didn't try to swallow him as well so he took it as an cue to continue.
"Look I'm not afraid of death. But there are certain things I have to do before I die. I have my own responsibility and a lot of things to take care of."  He signalled with his eye looking above before continuing
" The future of Attaca depends on it, the future of many innocent lives depends on it. I know death is inevitable and there will come a more strong warrior in the future to take my responsibilities as his. But I took an oath to fight till my last breath."  He nodded at something behind the octopus's head.
"  When that time comes I'll walk to death myself, untill then death can wait." He almost growled the last sentence.

The octopus made a loud yelp as it's tentacle which was holding S.coups amputated from its  body. S.coups freed himself from its hold before the amputated tentacle hit the water.
"I never miss a shot" woozi smirked as his sword flew back to him.

" You just took its one hand that's not something to brag about." Hoshi came from behind him .

" Right, watch me take off it's head from its obnoxious body." Dk appeared carrying his sword too. With that every one flew to their side one by one including Krixi.

" There is no such pain as the pain while being burnt alive." Vernon smirked " leave it to me I'll burn this creature alive"

" Ohh no kiddo I'm going to pump it with air and make it burst like a balloon."  Seungkwan made air swirling around his finger.

"Guys stop and be serious." Krixi popped in shooking her head in denial.

The octopus regained it's sense and swaged it's multiple tentacles aiming at each one of them.
"Guys don't get caught in its hold. You can't use your Power if you get in contact with it." S.coups warned dodging a tentacle.

Jeonghan made a rope of electricity and tied that at the base of the octopus 's head but it broke the rope with just an move with a tentacle.
"Fuck"  jeonghan cursed.

Vernon and jun were shooting it with fire balls and seungkwan giving out air blows. Woozi and dk were doing there best dodging the tentacle and counterattacking it with their swords. The8 make electricity sparkle around his swords and slashing the tentacles coming it's way. But there were lot as if the tentacles come out from every where.

Krixi flew above everyone and looked below contemplating what to do. When she looked at the octopus she spotted something on it and a sudden realisation hit her.
"S.coups" She called. S.coups looked at her still fighting with the tentacles. she gestured him to come.


Before he could ask she said
"Look at its forehead"  pointing at the octopus.

S.coups looked at the octopus's forehead just a little above between it's eyes. "It's...

"Rubykrixi finished.

S.coups spun his head at Krixi and then again turned to the octopus.
The red thing was glittering in its forehead.

'it wasn't there before.'  he thought.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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