ch 32

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I lost every ounce of patience when I saw Mingyu approach her. I have been watching her from the moment she walked in. The wheel house has a clear view to the front deck. When she held her crying friend in her arms every atom in me doubting myself. I thought that she might have said the truth to her friend. Anyways she said she didn't believe me and I don't care if she doesn't believe me.

But right now as Mingyu is looking at her as if she is the only person he wanted to be with in this world I would like to take back my words
Fuck that I said I don't care. My brother is looking at her in a way which can never be spelled platonic.
Why are my brothers so whipped up for these humans. I might have not been surprised if it was Hoshi or Dk or even seungkwan,they are hopeless at times but never did I think it would be Jeonghan or Mingyu.

Without even realising I walked out of the wheelhouse to the front deck.

"Mingyu, wonwoo is searching for you."

They both half turned after hearing my voice but I didn't look at them my eyes fell on their hands on the railing.
As if realising that I'm staring at their intertwined hands they both yanked their hands away and fully turned towards me.

"Wonwoo? Why is he looking for me ?" Mingyu asked confused

"I don't know. Just go and ask it yourself." I shrugged. It's an lie ofcourse wonwoo wasn't looking for him, he would find out soon when he asks him. But only saints know why I'm doing this.

Mingyu hesitated a bit then finally he sighed and gave Gaeul a fucking puppy look before walking past me.
I took his place, looking at the dark abyss. I thought she would leave but instead she stood beside me looking at the sea.

"You are afraid. Then why are you still here?" I tilted my head to look at her. But I can't help but smile looking at her baffled look.
"What did you mean I'm afraid. I'm not." She said flustered. Now I laughed out loud. How can I possibly tell her that I feel every little thing she feels whenever I'm near her. Im surprised about this thing too.

She was looking at me like anything when I finally calmed down and looked at her. "What?" I asked raising a brow.
"You should do this often." She said turning swiftly, looking ahead.
"Do what ?"

"Smiling, laughing? Showing some emotion other than cockiness."
I should probably say something to annoy her and take whatever she said back but I mentally face palmed myself when I said something I would regret the next second
"So you want me to smile often?"

She looked at me with wide eyes. Mouth opening and closing swallowing whatever she wants to say then she turned her head without saying anything. I can't help but smirk when I see her cheek pink under the faint light.

"You didn't say anything to your friends. Why?" I asked after some moments of silence. She turned her head to look at me "why do you think that I didn't say anything to them?"
She asked.

"That's obvious. They might have made a scene if they had known the truth." I said. But I didn't say that I was mentally hoping that she would say the truth to them so that there would be one lie less to hide.
"That's true" she nodded.

"You said that they both have their family waiting for them.What about you, don't you have someone worried about you too?" I asked not expecting her to answer. She might probably say I'm being nosy and walk away. But she didn't. She was silent for a minute. Right now as she is looking at that endless darkness I can't quite figure out what she is feeling.

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