Ch 14

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" We can rest here for tonight" krixi said halting in her step. Scoups also stopped in his track and looked at her.

"Why?. We are almost there. If we walk for a few hours we'll reach the river." scoups stated his point.
Krixi shooked her head disapproving.
"No they need some rest. They are walking for almost more than six hours. " she said frowning at him.

"that doesn't matter" he said with an blank expression.
Krixi sighed "that may doesn't matter to you or us. But look at them she pointed at the humans, who were grabbing each others shoulder for support, breathing heavily. They seemed as if they would pass out any minute.
" they can't put up with us like this. " she said, her eyes glint in worry.
"Think for them."

Scoups sighed. "Okay " he nodded.
Krixi gave an small smile at him.
"but not for them. The others didn't even eat breakfast properly. It would be hard for them to keep up. So I'm agreeing just because for that reason"
He said to which krixi nodded.
"Whatever you say ".

"Jeonghan! " scoups called out. Jeonghan, who was having an conversation with Joshua, stopped in the mid conversation and ran to him.
"What happened why have you two stopped walking?" jeonghan asked looking at both krixi and scoups.

"it seems like some weeklings here need some rest" scoups said cockyly.
Jeonghan being a quick-witted person
Grasped his words, knowing whom his friend mentioned as weeklings. His gaze travelled to the humans in the group. The three where having a conversation among themselves, more like an argument, yet they looked too dry.

"I guess we should take some rest here for tonight." he said still looking at the three. He then turned his head towards Scoups who had an slightly annoyed face.
"come with me. We should search if we can get anything to eat here" Scoups said turning to leave.
Jeonghan nodded and called for hoshi to join with them.

Krixi called for the others and made an announcement that they would stay here for tonight and warned the boys to be in guard. The relieved and excited expression of the earthlings didn't forgot to put a smile on her face. She strangely felt to be more responsible for them.


Gaeul was looking up at the dark sky, Suddenly felt more interested in that she started to picture some images with her freehand in that dark canvas. She mentally scolded her self for her childlike thinking.
She felt an presence behind her which made her to look up behind her as she was sitting down on the mud leaning against the rock. That person never failed to give her a smile, even when they are strangers to begin with.
Mingyu sat beside her resting his back on the rock which was behind them.
They both didn't talk anything. They was an meaningful silence which was more comforting than awkward for both of them.

The silence soon got broke by mingyu
" aren't you curious to know what power I hold?" he asked looking at her with a smile. Gaeul didn't think for more than two seconds to nod.

"I'm glad to know. Only if your okay with that " she said with a smile. She pressed the last sentence so that he won't force himself to show her his power.

Mingyu closed his eyes, leaving gaeul to stare at him in a daze.
Gaeul felt something stumble underneath her, she looked down to see the pebbles in the ground dancing up and down. She looked at it in a aww, her eyes almost popping out.
She got startled when the big rock behind her started to shake. She crawled forward out of instinct. She saw the big rock floating in mid air, without any support. 'what the-

"sorry for startling you."
She turned to Mingyu who had an slightly apologetic smile. The rock slowly float back into its place behind him.

"No! That was really awesome." gaeul said crawling back to the rock, hesitantly resting her back on it.
She looked at him with a wide smile
"so you can control rocks?". She asked seeing the dancing pebbles down.

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